
conceptional adj.概念的。


Therfore , we should solve it from many aspects , for example , conceptional turnaround , nice orientation , strengthening publicity etc . third , establishing diverse pattern on ceeusro . the pattern is the concrete form to lead talents _ cultivating , including aim and process , form and content , ways and means , examination and estimation and so on . at the present , there are a lot of patterns on ceeusro in our country 由于社會的需求是多種多樣的,高等學校的層次、科類、所處的地區和環境也是千差萬別的,因此產學研合作教育的模式摘要不可能單一化。當前我國的產學研合作教育主要有以下幾種模式:工學交替模式、預分配的“ 3刊刊”模式、中后期結合模式、結合實際任務模式、培養工程碩士模式、繼續工程教育模式等。

The introduction is intended to question and challenge the traditional functionalism comparative analysis method under the analysis and comparative to the method , emphasizing the pure functionalism comparative method is dangerous and inappropriate to the flexibility of trusts , even possible to misrepresent the true notion of trust , moreover resulting in the ill ending , therefore the structuralism analysis method is more suitable to analyze the nature of trusts , as a result , introducing and analyzing the comparative conceptional essentials to the structure of trust , so to indicate to reconsider the anglo - saxon trusts in a few aspects 導論部分:在分析和比較的基礎上對民法法系學者研究信托制度的比較方法提出置疑,指出純粹的功能的比較方法對于研究信托制度本身是不適宜的,甚至可能歪曲信托的本來面目,進而導致不良的效果,信托的靈活性更需要結構性的分析和研究,并在此基礎上充分介紹和比較和分析了普通法系學者和大陸法系學者對于比較法上信托的結構要素的定義,進而提出需要重新思考普通法系的信托觀念和信托制度的一些想法。

On the fundament of this and field investigations of the buildings damage in the areaes of typhoon disastes , the main factors that effect the wind - resistance capability of low - rise buildings have been analysed and discussed , the wind - resistance design method and multi - criterions founded with the needs of different reliabilities have been proposed on low - rise buildings , as well as the conceptional design methods and con struction configuations 在此基礎上,結合對臺風受災地區房屋破壞情況的實地調查,分析和總結了影響低層房屋抗風性能的主要因素,提出了適用于多臺風區低層房屋抗風設計的,基于不同安全度要求的多級設防標準和抗風設計方法,以及低層房屋抗臺風的概念設計方法和構造措施。

To execute land usage general planning strictly , guarantee the quality of farm land , ascertain land expropriation compensation standard , take all kinds of resetting work after land expropriation , complete authorization system , make jural work more healthy , strengthen the work of legal propaganda and political and conceptional education , promote the social economy construction and to develop healthy , fast and completely 嚴格執行土地利用總體規劃,確保耕地保有量,合理確定征地補償標準,因地制宜開展多途徑征地安置,完善審批制度,健全法制,加強法制宣傳和政治思想教育工作,維護社會穩定,促進社會經濟建設健康、快速、全面發展。

It is proven that these modified dual algorithms still have the same convergence results as those of the conceptional dual algorithms in chapter 2 and chapter 3 . secondly , a dual algorithm is constructed for general constrained nonlinear programming problems and the local convergence theorem is established accordingly . the condition number of modified lagrange function ' s hessian is estimated , which also depends on the penalty parameter 證明這些修正的對偶算法仍具有同前兩章的概念性對偶算法相同的收斂性結果,我們還進一步構造了一般約束非線性規劃問題的對偶算法,建立了相應的局部收斂理論,最后估計了修正lagrange函數的hesse陣的條件數,它同樣依賴于罰參數。

It is made up of four subsystems which include functional integration system , systemized integration system , organizational integration system and conceptional integration system , and six sub - mechanisms system which include resource integration machanism , community service mechanism , system integration mechanism , autonomy participation mechanism , civilization creation mechanism , psychological adjustment mechanism and so on 社區整合是一項復雜的系統工程,它由功能性整合系統、制度性整合系統、組織性整合系統和認同性整合系統四大子系統和資源整合機制、社區服務機制、制度規范機制、自治參與機制、文明創建機制和心理調節機制等六大子機制組成的系統。

This part puts forward the formability of physics conceptional teaching , the discoverability of physics regularity teaching , the openness of physics problem teaching , the explorabi1ity of physics experimental teaching and offers the concrete implementation programs 該部分提出了物理概念教學的形成性、物理規律教學的發現性、物理習題教學的開放性、物理實驗教學的探索性,指出了實施它們的具體方案。

Besides used as a tool for assisting in locating geometric elements during sketching stage , constrains is also a useful tool for convey design intents and knowledge during conceptional design stage 約束已經成為支持整個設計過程不可缺少的部分,它摘要浙江大學博士學位論文不僅在詳細設計階段用來表示幾何元素聯系和定位的信息,而且在概念設計階段是設計者表達設計意圖和知識的工具。

After studying the reasons of the urban space evolution and the growing mechanism , this article has set up the feedback mechanism between the urban scale and the urban traffic , and put forward the conceptional models of the urban space extension 在研究了城市空間結構演化動因和生長機制之后,建立了城市規模與城市交通之間的反饋機制,提出了城市交通對城市空間擴展的概念模型。

As a result , this procedure can lower the cost of power electronics device . on the base of investigating a number of references , the thesis put forward the conceptional summarization to the power electronic building block ( pebb ) system 在參閱大量文獻的基礎上,論文在針對電力電子系統的概念進行了概念性的總結,并且對以前提出的解決方案進行分析和概括。

To provide the conceptional team with the necessary safety and regulatory requirement at the conceptual stage so that appropriate resources are in - placed for eventual production and shipment of the products 在概念的階段提供概念小組必須的安規要求,以便在產品最后的生產及出貨配置適當的資源

On the conceptional differences between xianliang and wenxue in on salt and iron 中賢良與文學思想主張之差異

Conceptional analysis on constitutional legal order 憲政法律秩序的概念分析

It falls within the conceptional framework of geophysics . 它在概念體制上隸屬地球物理。