
conception n.1.妊娠,受孕;胚胎,胎兒;起源,發端。2.概念作用...


By 1960 foreign aid policy had been static for nearly a decade, in its conceptions as well as its programs . 到1960年,對外援助政策不論是在概念上還是行動計劃上,都一直停滯了近十年之久。

What he wanted was a fresh analysis of the conceptions of history and the future implicit in the democratic position . 他想要的是對歷史觀念和民主制度的未來進行一次新的分析。

I had admired and understood it as a conception of pablo, although it seemed to me to be somewhat fantastic . 我很佩服巴勃羅的這個主意,并且也理解,盡管我認為有點異想天開。

A better understanding of these phenomena may completely alter our conception of the nature of the universe . 對這些現象的進一步了解,或許會徹底改變我們對宇宙性質的認識。

They sat there and listened to what was said, but they had but a very hazy conception of what it was all about . 他們坐在那兒洗耳恭聽,腦子里只有些模模糊糊的概念。

The outsider thinks in terms of absolutes; for him right and wrong are defined in their conception . 一個局外人,從絕對觀點考慮問題,他是從概念上來判定是非的。

The gestation period in cattlethe time that elapses between conception and birthis about 287 days . 牛的妊娠期(即從懷孕到生產的這段時間)大約是287天。

American entered the first world war without the slightest conception of the costs of participation . 美國人參加第一次世界大戰,一點也沒有想到參戰耗費。

And the target weight for first conception varies, according to circumstances, from 90-115kg . 第一次妊娠較理想體重因情況而異,范圍在90115公斤之間。

The boys later told me the name of it, but i had no exact conception of it in my mind . 男孩子們后來告訴過我那東西的名字,但我腦子里沒形成明確概念。

Her conception of the character was as heavy and uncompromising as her diction . 她把這個人物設想得就象她念臺詞的風格一樣,是既沉重而又毫不妥協的。

Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost , 現代化工業是建立在以最低成本獲得最高產量這一見解的基礎上。

She had sacrificed herself to a conception of loyalty that was private and unalterable . 她為了一種內心的,不可改變的忠貞概念而犧牲了自己。

Their psychology and character were quite different from our old conceptions of chinese . 他們的心理和性格與中國人的傳統觀念極為不同。

The literary conceptions which prevailed were in consonance with the social structure . 當時流行的文學思想是與當時的社會結構相一致的。

His ideal was a conception of high prosperity and property of the aristocratic life . 他的理想是飛黃騰達,闊綽體面,過貴族式的生活。

This conception of america's beginnings in the 17th century is for the most part true . 美國歷史是從17世紀開始的說法大體上是正確的。

His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre . 他的設計豪放不羈,他的主意如同迸射出的獷悍的火花。

I felt as proud of my conception as if it were already a fact accomplished . 我對自己的意見覺得很驕傲,當作已經完成了的事實一般。