
concept n.1.【哲學】概念。2.觀念,思想,意思,心意。短語和...


The concept of a continuous spectrum is obviously unmanageable graphically . 連續譜的概念顯然用圖形無法表達。

The multiple migration-accretion concept of gruner deserves mention . 格魯納的多次遷移增長說受到了重視。

This basic concept is illustrated in most texts on hyd aulics . 這個基本概念在大多數水力學教科書中已有介紹。

We have available today only rudimentary concepts and models . 目前我們只有一些不成熟的概念和模型可資應用。

We shall take a closer look at the concept of functional dependence . 我們將周密地考慮一下函數相關的概念。

The concepts described above are embodied in the junction transistor . 上述各種概念都反映在結型晶體管中。

He applied the concept of quantization of energy to the hydrogen atom . 他把能量量子化的概念用于氫原子。

The concept of strangeness constitutes more than a feeble attempt . 奇異數這個概念不只是一種巧妙的嘗試。

At lioyds the concept of sponsorship is constantly being reviewed . 在勞合銀行贊助的觀念始終受到懷疑。

She forced her grandson to read the strange concept three times . 她催孫子把這段費解的話連續讀了三遍。

The concept of balance embraces the phenomenon of systems resilience . 平衡的概念包含著體系彈性現象。

With the proper concepts the hindenburg line may be breached . 戰略思想對了頭,興登堡防線就準攻破啦。

Virtually the only concept to be used is that of a spanning tree . 更確切地說,只使用了生成樹的概念。

Americans will no longer be able to shrug off european concepts . 美國人再也不能來蔑視歐洲人的觀點。

The geometrical representation makes the abstract concept pictorial . 幾何圖象使得抽象概念形象化。

Another concept involved in our picture of matter is weight . 我們對物質所想到的另一個概念是重量。

We ourselves have learnt to mistrust the concept of income . 我們自己已經懂得不相信收入這一概念。

The idea of a function is the most important concept in mathematics . 函數是數學中最重要的概念。

Figure 1 illustrates the concept of a multiplex wiring system . 圖一表明多路傳輸接線系統的原理。