
concentrator n.1.集中者;濃縮器;【冶金】選礦廠,選礦機;【電學】...


Characteristics of sun - tracking system of concentrator are analyzed in the dissertation at first 論文首先分析了聚光器太陽跟蹤的特點。

Potentialities exploitation and reconstruction design for concentrator of chengchao iron mine of wusteel 武鋼程潮鐵礦選礦廠挖潛改造設計

Transformation of the technological flowsheet of qidashan concentrator ' s no . 2 separation workshop 齊大山選礦廠二選車間工藝流程的改造

Discuss reliability controlling system of psa about oxygen concentrator made in china 國產小型醫用氧氣機變壓吸附控制系統的可靠性探討

Now the concentrator is turned on and your server s configuration stays the same 現在連接集中器是打開的,服務器的配置仍然保持不變。

Specification for aeromedical portable oxygen concentrator systems - general requirements 航空醫療用便攜式氧濃縮器系統規范.一般要求

State leaders spoke highly of weierkang oxygen concentrator at the commercial fair 高交會上國家領導人對維爾康制氧機給予高度評價

Discussion and analysis of technological transformation of beneficiation at dagushan concentrator 金山店鐵礦選礦工藝技術改造研究

Design of distributed control system of iron ore crushing workshop of meishan concentrator 梅山選礦廠細碎車間分布式控制系統設計

Connection concentrator acts upon transaction boundaries commit and rollback 連接集中器的工作取決于事務邊界(提交和回滾) 。

Remote line concentrator 遠端集線器

Test method for calibration of non - concentrator photovoltaic secondary reference cells 非濃縮光伏副基準比對電池校準試驗方法

Line concentrator lc 集線器交換網絡

Experimental study on the evaporative capacity of coaxial two impinging - stream concentrator 撞擊流濃縮器蒸發能力的實驗研究

The federated parameter cannot be enabled with the connection concentrator on 不能在打開連接集中器的情況下啟用聯邦參數。

Experimental research on a compound parabolic concentrator heat pipe type solar collector 型熱管式太陽能集熱器的實驗研究

Subscriber line concentrator 用戶集線器

Practice of technological transformation of dashan concentrator ' s crushing system 我國紅鐵礦選礦高效節能技術及設備評述

The connection concentrator is one of the db2 components that she specializes in 她專攻db2的一個組件,即連接集中器。