
concentrative adj.1.集中(性)的。2.一心一意的,專心的。


Data fusion is the key technology to optimize the bistatic and multistatic radars . the thesis introduces concentrative fusion , non - feedback distributed optimal fusion , feedback distributed optimal fusion and sub - optimal fusion . in addition , by applying these fusion methods and nonlinear filter algorithm mentioned above , tracking imitations of mobile objectives are obtained in multistatic radar circumstance 5 、數據融合是實現雙(多)基雷達性能優化的重要技術,本論文討論了集中式融合、不帶反饋分布式最優融合、帶反饋分布式最優融合以及次優融合等幾種融合方式,結合前面討論的非線性濾波算法,模擬多基雷達的環境對機動目標進行了跟蹤仿真。

Starting with the present situation of the chinese financial supervisory structure , i analyse the challengement that the concentrative supervisory structure faces and dare to bring forth new ideas to the financial supervisory structure in mainland , put forward to establishing the deposition insurance company of china , which is under the command of financ 從中國大陸金融監管體制的現狀入手,分析“集中”監管體制在金融國際化階段面臨的挑戰,并進一步對中國大陸金融監管體制作了大膽創新。提出創建隸屬于財政部的中國存款保險公司,形成以中國人民銀行為主、以中國存款保險公司為輔的“單線多頭”金融監管體制。

Afterwards , given the fact that genetic algorithm predominates in the non - linear problems , this paper brings forward the frame of ga - based distributed ids . and the adventages of the frame are as follows : pretreatment and fusion of the raw data from the distributed sensors , bearing the ability of self - learning , “ distributed detection and concentrative analysis “ 再次,鑒于基因算法在解決非線形問題上有很大的優勢,本文提出了一個基于基因算法的分布式入侵檢測系統( distributedintrusiondetectionsystem )的體系結構。它具有以下特點:對分別探測到的原始數據進行預處理和數據融合,具有一定自學習能力, “分布式探測,集中分析” 。

As to the excess inventory , we analyzed inventory data , pointed out that the stock of imported parts , especially of big parts such as compressors is the root cause which makes the whole excess inventory , studied the supply chain system of york int . , re - designed the logistic system with the concept of concentrative stock , and verified the thoughts through quantitative analysis 針對庫存,進行了數據分析,指出了海外進口件特別是進口壓縮機等大部件是造成庫存膨脹的主要原因,研究了壓縮機的約克全球整個供應鏈體系,用集中庫存的概念重新設計了物流系統,定量分析了集中庫存下的庫存下降。

Abstract : based on an analysis of the quantity as well as the quality features of the sewage and waste water ( largely wastewater from dyeing industry ) and also the actual condition of the yabo town , discourses upon the feasibility of integrated treatment through improving manufacturing technics and concentrative processing measures , and words out the optimum project , enabling the sewage to be discharged at the requested standard , thus the continuous development of enterprises in the town can be guaranteed 文摘:分析了啞柏鎮污水(主要是印染廢水)的水量,水質特點.結合該鎮實際情況,論述了鄉鎮區域污水通過改進生產工藝和集中處理綜合防治的可行性,并確定最佳處理工藝方案.使污水能夠達標排放,從而保證鄉鎮企業的可持續發展

In this thesis discoursing , i at first expounded channel specialization , so - called tv channel specialization refers to making position division in unit of the whole channel under the current condition of tv channel resources , so as to enable its program contents to concentrative reflect the demand of certain specific fields . in the meanwhile , i have summarized the epoch background , the demand of historical development and its current situation 在當前電視傳媒產業化,市場化發展過程中,電視頻道專業化已經是大勢所趨,這也是電視面對競爭所無法回避的現實。在本文的論述中,筆者首先對頻道專業化進行了論述,指出頻道專業化是在現有的電視頻道資源條件下,以整個頻道為單位進行定位劃分,從而使其節目內容能較為集中地反映某些特定領域的需求。

Considering the main characteristics of provincial concentrative management of telecom co . in guizhou , the system , which organizationally allows multi - level management , should support the uniform management part for province center , while allowing localized marketing and service strategies for local regions 試譯“而且系統考慮到貴州省電信公司全省集中管理的主要特點,既要支持到省中心需要統一管理的部分,又要支持到地方本地化的營銷策略和服務策略,從組織架構上支持到多級管理。 ”

According to the simulation of refrigeration system , the thesis applies the dynamic concentrative parameter model and dynamic distribution parameter model to the process of starting , stopping and normal running and validates the correctness , reliability and sensitivity of simulation model by comparing results of simulation calculation with experimental results . what ' s more , the writer programs the dynamic simulation software for this evaporator 本文從制冷系統仿真的角度,對制冷系統開、停機過程和正常運行過程分別運用動態集中參數模型和動態分布參數模型來考察蒸發器,編制了翅片管蒸發器的動態仿真應用軟件,并對仿真計算結果和實驗結果進行了比較,從而驗證仿真模型的正確性、可靠性和對參數的敏感性。

After january , 2003 , “ the law of government procurement ” came into force , both concentrative purchase and dispersive purchase are use by government , which starts an new trend of government purchase progress , using concentrative purchase to do more large quantity purchase , dispersive purchase is used less and less , it only used to do little quantity purchase . the list of government purchase has become longer and longer , the variety of materials and the quantity of materials has increased so sharply . our country ’ s government purchase has made a great progress , but but we still need to take notice of the other side of the fact , there are two important issues , the first is the obstacle of the reforming process in the field of public finance system ; and the second is the kinds of problems occurred in the process of government procurement 政府采購制度改革是我國公共財政改革的重要組成部分,引入我國從試點到推廣實施僅有十年的時間,卻取得了巨大的進展, 《政府采購法》在2003年1月開始實施后,我國采用集中采購與分散采購相結合的政府采購方式,開始了我國政府采購的集中化趨勢進程,從早期分散采購演變為大批量的集中的采購方式,當然,小批量分散采購也結合其中,列入政府集中采購目錄的物資種類與采購數量大大增加,取得了巨大的進展,卻也存在著不少的問題,具體表現為政府采購過程中出現的各種操作性問題和政府采購制度推進的障礙,以及政府采購的環境效益問題,操作性問題和政府采購制度推進的障礙問題本質上可歸納為兩方面,即內在因素,這是事前性的,偏重于制度性、體制性等根本問題;外在因素,這是管理操作層面的因素,政府采購的環境效益問題是由政府是否采購綠色產品,推動綠色產品在社會的使用而引出的,于是,對政府采購集中化趨勢中所暴露出的問題進行分析,找出問題的根源以探尋解決的思路及對策就顯得尤為急迫。

The speciality - oriented web information possesses good speciality direction w ith c lear se arching object a nd r elatively concentrative d ata so urce . moreover , it conquers web information ' s characteristics of radiation , complication and varity . it can easily keep up with the space of web sites “ increasement and web content ' s updating 面向特定領域的搜索具有很好的專業指向性,搜索對象明確,資源相對集中,在一定程度上克服了網絡資源發散、復雜、多元的特點,可以較容易地跟上站點和網頁增長及內容更新的速度,文檔的分析、自動處理和面向領域的知識庫的建立也相對較容易實現。

According to the theory of engineering thermodynamics and phase change , heat - transfer process of the special working fluid heat - pipe stove is analyzed . some hypotheses are postulated and with the help of equation of mass - conservation , energy - conservation , the dynamic concentrative parameter model is built , the change of each parameter is prescribed at any stage from starting to stopping . with the thermodynamic calculation of burnable process , the parameter of device , such as heat - transfer coefficient / thermal efficiency etc , are achieved under steady state ; based on theoretic calculation , observing the actual running circumstance of the heating stove in person , with some performance comparison between the new and the old , the high efficiency and reliability of heat - pipe stove is proved , the project which expend it in the oil - filed is feasible 對充入該工質的熱管加熱爐,本文根據工程熱力學和相變傳熱學及相關知識,對其進行了傳熱分析,經過適當假設,運用質量守恒和能量守恒定律,建立了裝置動態集中參數模型,描述了加熱爐從開機到穩定運行這一動態過程各參數的變化情況,同時對燃燒過程也進行了熱力計算,最終得到了穩態工況下裝置的換熱系數、熱效率等熱力參數;在理論計算的基礎上,親赴現場觀察該爐的實際運行情況,通過與原有的加熱爐的各項性能進行對比,最終證明新爐的高效性和可靠性,為其在油田中推廣的可行性提供了依據。

Based on the original data of tm in 1988 , 1992 and 1998 , then after some processing and analysis , the author have the thematic data of land - use by interpretation . on the basis of them , the author made the analysis of land - use for this area based on the spacial analysis of gis and the method of comparison between result of land - use classification as follows : the method of aggregating analysis , the analysis of urbanization , the analysis of the transformation rate of cultivated land , the analysis of the driving force of land - use change and the sustainable use of land . the conclusions may be demonstrated below : the cultivated land decreases with the patchs fragment ; road spreads radialy surround second - ring road ; the urban land expands quickly toward southwest along the major roads and be concentrative . rural land and industry increse rapidly with dispersing ; 0thers change slowly . the major driving forces of land - use change in this area are the rapid expansion of urban and rapid growth of population , foreign investment and the development of tertiary industry which was based upon the real estate . according the trendency of land - use change , the author consider that we must insist on the way of the sustainable use of land based on protecting the cultivated land 在此基礎上,應用分類結果比較法,在gis各種空間分析功能(幾何量算、統計分析、疊加分析及緩沖區分析)的支持下,對該區土地利用變化進行了如下分析:土地利用綜合分析、城市化進程分析、耕地轉化率分析、土地利用變化因素分析及土地的可持續利用分析。結果表明:該區土地利用變化主要表現為耕地大量減少,斑塊破碎化;交通用地沿二環線呈放射狀向四周擴展;城鎮用地沿交通干線向西南方向擴張迅速,用地趨于集中;農村居民點和工礦業用地增加,用地趨于分散;其它用地變化較慢。這一用地變化的主導因素是城鎮用地擴展快、人口增長迅速、外資的大量投入及以房地產為主的第三產業的快速發展。

The developments of new , renewable energy and distributed generation system have been attracted more and more attentions because of the lack of energy , pollution and shortage of concentrative power generation . the inverter is an important part of distributed generation system 近年來,由于能源危機、環境污染和集中式供電存在種種缺陷,人們越來越重視新能源、可再生能源和分布式發電系統的發展,而逆變器是分布式發電系統中的重要組成部分。

Article 29 [ concentrative employment ] the state and society shall set up welfare enterprises for disabled persons , work - rehabilitation centres , tuina - massage hospitals and clinics and other enterprises and institutions of welfare nature as a way of providing concentrative employment for disabled persons 第二十九條國家和社會舉辦殘疾人福利企業、工療機構、按摩醫療機構和其他福利性企業事業組織,集中安排殘疾人就業。

In character recognition , the key function of subspace method is mapping character feature vector from high dimension space to low dimension space , finding out every class ' s concentrative energy axis and constructing every class ' s subspace with the axis 應用于字符識別中,子空間模式識別方法的關鍵作用就在于:將字符特征矢量從高維空間向低維空間映射,找出代表各類別的能量主軸,由此構造出代表各類別特征的子空間。

Manipulate mechanism with concentrative link lever integrates functions , such as steering n shift and operating direction , into one operating lever . with this mechanism , driver can realize all the operations of bulldozer using elbow joint ' s action 集中連桿操縱機構取消了傳統的轉向、變速及換向操縱桿,將轉向、換向與變速操縱功能集成在一根操縱桿上,利用肘關節的自然動作控制操縱桿實現轉向、前進后退和變速。

Based on york wuxi existing situation , this article puts forward two proposals which are innovation of purchase procedure with mrp ii system and concentrative stock in whole york supply chain to remove the two great obstacles 對此,本文結合公司的具體情況,提出了兩個解決與改進的設想一? mrp下約克無錫采購過程的革新和在約克全球供應鏈基礎上的集中庫存,來嘗試解決約克無錫采購所面臨的這兩個急迫的問題。

Overall characteristic of the resources of water and soil in this district : the problem of water and soil loss is serious ; land resources are scarce and of low quality ; precipitation is concentrative and the utilization efficiency is low 黔江貧困山區水土資源的基本特征是水土流失嚴重,土地資源稀缺且質量較低。降水集中,利用率較低;水資源在區域、年內及年際分配不均,造成資源利用上的困難。

Article 29 the state and society shall set up welfare enterprises for disabled persons , work - rehabilitation centres , tuina - massage hospitals and clinics and other enterprises and institutions of welfare nature as a way of providing concentrative employment for disabled persons 第二十九條國家和社會舉辦殘疾人福利企業、工療機構、按摩醫療機構和其他福利性企業事業組織,集中安排殘疾人就業。