
concentration camp (俘虜等的)集中營。

concentration cell

The pacific war began in december 1941 and the japanese army was able to occupy hong kong in less than 20 days after which the sham shui po camp became a concentration camp 一九四一年十二月太平洋戰爆發,日軍于十多天內攻占香港。當時的深水?軍營成為囚禁戰俘的集中營。

A secular jew born in the ukraine , wiesenthal survived the holocaust but lost 89 members of his own and his wife ' s family in the concentration camps 一個在烏克蘭出生的世俗的猶太人,維森塔爾經歷大屠殺之后幸存,但是在集中營失去了他自己和妻子家庭的89名成員。

World war ii : the red army arrives at auschwitz and birkenau in poland and find the nazi concentration camp where 1 . 1 - 1 . 5 million people had been murdered 1945年的今天,二戰:蘇聯紅軍抵達波蘭的奧斯維辛和博克瑙,發現了殺害了110 - 115萬人的納粹集中營。

The bloodboltered shambles in act five is a forecast of the concentration camp sung by mr swinburne . cranly , i his mute orderly , following battles from afar 75第五幕那浴血的慘劇76乃是斯溫伯恩先生在詩中歌頌過的集中營的前奏77 。 ”

Todd : cwick is among the first americans to stumble on to buchenwald , one of the largest , most notorious nazi concentration camps 托德:斯維克是最先發現布痕瓦爾德的美國人之一,布痕瓦爾德是德國最大的、最臭名昭著的納粹集中營之一。

When one of the holocaust survivors talked about his life in the nazist concentration camp , there was not a dry eye amongst the audience 當一位戰時反猶太人政策的生還者談及他在納粹集中營的生活時,在聽眾之中沒有一人不流下眼淚

However , much controversy still remains as victims sneer at the pitiful settlements for their time in concentration camps and forced labor camps 但是爭論仍舊在繼續,一些受害者也曾經嘲諷過在被占領地的戰俘營和集中營的人們。

A 1 ) scene early in the 2 ) animated movie chicken run shows a dark 3 ) barnyard that looks like a nazi concentration camp 動畫電影《小雞快跑》在開始不久的一幕中,有一個陰暗的谷場,看起來就像是納粹集中營一般。

It was only a matter of time before they would be deported to almost certain death in the concentration camps . seemingly , there was no escape 他們被遣送到集中營去送死只是個時間問題.看起來沒有逃掉的可能。

After franco crushed the republicans , delgado was detained in a concentration camp for five months before resuming his studies 在法朗哥擊潰共和軍后,戴爾嘎多曾遭拘押,在集中營里待了五個月才得以重拾學業。

David , 12 years old , who traveled across europe by himself in 1952 after escaping from the communist concentration camp in bulgaria 1952年,保加利亞集中營長大的12歲孤兒大衛,在友人安排下逃出了集中營。

Itzhak was liberated from the concentration camps in 1945 and he came to america to work and became a research physicist 1945年他從集中營獲釋后,來到美國工作,成為了研究物理學家,后來患上癌癥。

The bbc broadcast the news that the nazi had put germany ' s beloved singer into a concentration camp 英國廣播公司( bbc )廣播了納粹分子把這位深受大家喜愛的德國歌手投進了集中營的消息。

“ life is beautiful “ tells the touching story of fatherly love shown in a jewish concentration camp 美麗人生這部電影是描述一段發生在猶太集中營內的感人故事,闡揚偉大的父愛。

Daniels , roger . concentration camps north america : japanese in the united states and canada during world war ii . 1981 《北美集中營:二次大戰時美國和加拿大的日本人》 1981

Rick : stop it ! he escaped from a concentration camp and nazis have been chasing him all over europe 里克:別說了!他從一個集中營里逃了出來,納粹一直在整個歐洲追捕他。

We just excrete only once one day in the concentration camp and finish it in one minute , if we don ' t finish it 在集中營里我們一天只能方便一次一次一分鐘,如果沒完的話

Only the hope that he might one day escape carried jim through the ordeal of the concentration camp 只是由于抱著總有一天可能逃脫的希望,吉姆才經受住集中營的折磨。

If i had not been a fighter pilot , i would still have found way to escape from that concentration camp 我就算不是個戰斗機飛行員也一樣會想辦法逃出那個集中營的。