
concentration n.1.集中。2.【化學】提濃,蒸濃,濃縮;濃度;稠密度...

concentration camp

If evaporation and concentration continues a saturated solution will eventually be produced . 如果繼續蒸發和濃縮,最終就形成飽和溶液。

The soluble concentration of arsenic is dependent upon both chemical form and wastewater ph . 砷的溶解度取決于其化學形態和廢水的PH值。

It is necessary to enrich the fuel by increasing the percentage concentration of uranium-235 . 必須提高鈾235濃度的百分比,使燃料濃集。

Blood plasma has a concentration of sodium ions almost 6 times as great as that in the red cell . 血漿中鈉離子濃度比紅細胞幾乎大6倍。

Urban areas are characterised by their concentration of different economic activities . 城市地區的特征就是集中了各種不同的經濟活動。

The spatial distribution of element concentration values is expressed in the form of map . 元素濃度值的空間分布應以圖的形式表示。

Barium is found in some oilfield brines in concentrations greater than 100mg/litre . 在有些油田鹵水中,鋇的濃度大于100毫克升。

The examination may reveal the amount or concentration of each of the various components . 這種檢驗可以搞清各種成分的量或濃度。

It was to discourage concentration of property in the hands of a few great landowners . 它目的是阻止財產向少數大地主手里集中。

We will limit ourselves to the general concentration scheme under field situation . 我們僅限于討論在現場條件下一般的濃縮方案。

Salinity refers to the total concentration of salts present in the soil solution . 含鹽量是指土壤溶液中所存在的鹽類的總濃度。

the enzyme appears to be absolutely dependent on the concentration of . 這種酶表現出完全依賴于的濃度。

They predominate and are of greatest concentration in the central part of the retina . 它們在網膜中部占優勢,具有最大的濃度。

This intermediate would not be expected to build up to any appreciable concentration . 不應指望這個中間體會以可觀的濃度存在。

This caused the utmost anxiety and rendered all concentration futile . 這引起了莫大的焦慮,而且使一切力量的集中都前功盡棄。

He made his way along with his eyes fixed in utmost concentration on the ground . 他全神貫注地死盯著地面,艱難地探路而行。

The greek concentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations . 希臘人之專注于幾何迷糊了后世好幾代人的視界。

After some concentration duncan said: “we came to invite you out to dinner. “ 鄧肯定了定神說:“我們是來請你出去吃飯的。”

The concentration of acid in vomitus or aspirate need not reach this limit . 嘔吐物或吸引液內酸的濃度不需要達到這一程度。