
concentrate vt.1.集中;使…集中于一點。2.【化學】提濃,濃縮,...


All this would naturally lead them to concentrate their pressure on us . 所有這些自然使得他們把壓力集中到我們身上。

We had no choice but to concentrate our efforts on cars and trucks . 我們沒有別的選擇,只能集中力量搞小汽車和卡車。

He carried his concentrated burden and his perpetual suspense . 他獨自負荷著沉重的負擔,長期懷著惴惴不安的心情。

Vere urges his fellow-officers to concentrate not on claggart's character . 維爾強迫同僚們不考慮克拉加特的品行。

We can skip over the details and concentrate on the general issues . 你可略過細節部分,而把精力集中在總則上。

Molasses is not an easy ingredient to mix into concentrated feeds . 糖蜜作為一種飼料成分與精料混合并不容易。

He slept badly at night and couldn't concentrate in class at daytime . 他夜里睡不好,白天上課時思想開小差。

Gaja mada's attention was concentrated so much upon imperial affairs . 卡查瑪達的注意力集中于帝國的事務。

When working , one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted . 工作時要集中精力,不要分心。

The concentrated sodium hydroxide is filtered through a pressure filter . 濃縮過的氫氧化納通過壓濾機過濾。

In some schools, students concentrate on learning how to make films . 在有些學校里,學生專門學習電影制作。

The steps were very intricate and their faces were intent and concentrated . 舞步錯綜復雜,臉色全神貫注。

If you do n't concentrate more on your work , you 'll be dismissed . 假如你不更加專心地工作,你將被解雇。

The weight of the attack was concentrated upon the city of london itself . 空襲的重點集中在倫敦城本身。

The parietal cells concentrate hydrogenions more than one million times . 壁細胞濃縮氫離子100萬倍以上。

I began to concentrate all of my research on birds and their songs . 我開始集中精力研究鳥和鳥的歌聲。

Please concentrate on the business at hand and do n't drag in irrelevant issues . 不要牽扯其他問題。

He walked quickly, with his close and concentrated air . 他走得很快,一副悶悶不樂、心思集中的神氣。

We should not just concentrate on one thing and neglect others . 不能只抓一頭,把別的事都撇在一旁。