
conceive vt.1.懷(胎)。2.想到(計劃等);想像;以為;想出...


It is hardly to be believed that this remarkable “novel in tones“ was conceived by a young man . 令人難以相信的是,就是這個年輕人構思出了這部非凡的“音樂小說“。

Hitler could not conceive that britain would not accept a peace offer after the collapse of france . 希特勒沒有想到,在法國崩潰之后,不列顛還是不接受和平建議。

Most of his bold initiatives were conceived in such periods of seclusion and meditation . 他的大膽的主動行動絕大多數是在一個幽靜的地方隱居思考的時候想出來的。

In the last year of his life he conceived the short-dated exchequer bill, still in use . 在去世前一年,他擬定了短期英國《財政部法案》,這個法案至今還有效。

It is hardly to be believed that this remarkable “novel in tones“ was conceived by a young man . 令人難以相信的是,這個年輕人就構思出了這部非凡的音樂小說。

Our campaign was well conceived and highly promoted, but the consumers failed to respond . 我們的運動是計劃周詳的,是用盡辦法宣傳的,可是消費者反應不佳。

I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart . 我認為你善良,有天賦,可愛:我心里產生了一種熾烈、莊嚴的熱情。

The newspaper may be conceived as a sort of common carrier, like the railway or the post office . 報紙可以被理解為某種公共載體,就像鐵路和郵局一樣。

The historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the limit of their powers . 這些史學家都有遠大的抱負,而且都已盡力完成了他們的計劃。

I conceive that you ignorantly worship; in all things you appear to me too superstitions . 我認為你是在愚昧地崇拜,我覺得你對各種事情都很迷信。

It is simply a fantastic imagination to conceive that one can master a foreign language overnight ... 幻想在一夜就把外語學好,那只是白日作夢。

I had always conceived a burial at sea to be a very solemn and awe-inspiring event . 我向來以為海上的葬禮是非常嚴肅的,令人肅然起敬的事。

He could easily conceive the expression of pain that should have been on the corpse's mouth . 尸體嘴部的表情可想而知該是如何的痛苦。

He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the railroad . 他好象對鐵路公司抱著一種意氣消沉,不可理喻的恐懼心理。

Cannot you conceive emotions not entirely due to one's physical condition ? 難道你無法想象感情并不完全取決于一個人的生理條件?

All who want a new order of things are likely to conceive new hopes . 那些要求事情有個新秩序的人,就要心里懷起新的希望來了。

Quarters conceived in this spirit were to be built for him in the eifel hills . 得為他在艾弗山中修一個與這種精神相符的行轅。

He conceived of an idea and believed that it existedor should exist . 他勾畫了一個理想,相信它已經存在或者應該存在。

I often wondered how i had conceived that old idea of his inaptitude . 我常常納罕,我以前怎么竟會認為他才干不足呢!