
conceivably adv.想得到地,想像上。


The enzyme digest analysis shows that the arm repeats of c - terminal are conceivably conservative domain . in arc1 protein , there are some active sites including n - glycosylation sites , camp - and cgmp - dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites , protein kinase c phosphorylation sites , casein kinase ii phosphorylation sites , tyrosine kinase phosphorylation sites , n - myristoylation sites , amidation sites and leucine zipper pattern . it probably take part in the signaling process of self - incompatibility 同時在arc1蛋白質中還發現了拉鏈結構和多個磷酸化位點,包括camp和cgmp依賴的蛋白激酶磷酸化位點、蛋白激酶c磷酸化位點、酪蛋白激酶磷酸化位點、酪氨酸激酶磷酸化位點、糖基化位點等,拉鏈結構為arc1蛋白之間及與其它蛋白的相互作用提供了可能,而磷酸化位點是arc1參與信號傳導過程所必需的。

A coffin - sized shower is en suite , and storage is provided by a shallow closet and 10 - inch - deep shelves cut into the wall . two hot plates and a small sink make up the kitchen . two dirty windows allow light to filter into the basement room , and the fire escape could conceivably double as a shared patio 房間里的衛生間只有棺材大小,儲藏室為襄在墻上的一個小壁櫥和幾排25厘米深的貨架,兩只電爐和一個狹小的下水洞構成了廚房,臟兮兮的兩扇窗戶讓陽光照進房間,此外,屋內還有一把防火梯。

When we learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of a particular product holds a consultancy with the company making it , we cannot be blamed for wondering whether his fee might conceivably cloud his professional judgment 當我們聽說,向我們擔保某一特殊產品的安全性的著名教授,原來是那家公司顧問時,我們懷疑教從那家公司所得的酬金是否可能影響了他的職業判斷,這也就不足為怪了。

In the version of the film released on dvd there is definitely no car , only chimney smoke and a one - frame flash of light that could conceivably be a car , but not in any sense that could be considered a goof 在電影的dvd發行的時候,人們看不到汽車,只看到冒煙的煙囪,如果逐格放映的話,會看到有一格那個方位有閃光,這確實會令人想到汽車,但這些都不足以說明他們拍的這個鏡頭穿幫了。

They would have had to live the rest of their lives under the stigma that he had recklessly precipitated an action which wrecked the summit conference and conceivably could have launched a nuclear war 他們可能已不得不蒙著一種臭名而終其余生,這個臭名就是:他曾貿貿然采取了一項行動,這項行動破壞了最高級會談,并且可以設想,還可能已觸發一場核戰爭。

It ' s more like there could be towns that conceivably hold hundreds of people ( less than a hundred for the ones in right now ) and then there are party lists and systems that literally house everyone 游戲的模式是,你和成千上百的玩家在一個村莊中交流,有列表和系統來顯示目前在線的玩家和組成的隊伍,所以,技術上來說,你是和成千上百個玩家在一起玩。

Niu shengnan , a qianxihe spokesman , said the use of growth hormones in pig - rearing was standard in china , but eating meat produced this way could conceivably cause competitors to fail anti - doping tests 千禧鶴發言人牛勝難表示,在生豬喂養中使用生長激素,在中國很常見,但可想而知,食用這種方式生產的豬肉可能會讓運動員無法通過興奮劑檢測。

Since i feared a new onset of obstinacy which my vanity might conceivably have borne but which would have assuredly proved too much for my purse , i gave my name , asked for the volume to be put aside and left by the stairs 因為我怕我的自尊心會再一次激起我的倔脾氣,而我身邊又不寬裕,我請他們記下我的姓名,把書留在一邊,就下了樓。

Conceivably the mound - building indians believed their resurrection would coincide with some such liberation , and built their graves in imitation of the low moraines deposited by the departing glaciers 可以想象,擅長構筑土墩的印第安人相信人的死而復生會與某種類似的釋放同時發生,所以他們在建造墓塋時模仿離去的冰川積下的低矮冰磧。

Developing out of its early use for applets , the java language also has a sophisticated system of fine - grained access controls for facilities that might conceivably involve security risks Java語言早期用于applet ,經過不斷發展,該語言還有一個完善的系統,用于對那些已確信存在安全性風險的設施進行細顆粒度的訪問控制。

On the other hand , the incomplete contract theory tells that in a world with uncertainty the contract is never too complete to include all conceivably possible arrangements of rights and duties 不完全契約理論認為,在一個不確定性的現實世界中,契約不可能包括對末來各種可能狀態的預測及其相應的權利與義務的安排。

Yet , while society might conceivably get along without economists , it would be difficult to imagine a world in which economics did not play a role , even the mythical world of robinson crusoe 然而,如果沒有經濟學家,這個社會可能會發展得更好,不過很難想象一個沒有經濟學的世界,甚至包括虛構的魯賓遜世界。

Most of the advice on the use of exceptions in the java language suggests that checked exceptions should be preferred in any case where an exception conceivably might be caught 關于在java語言中使用異常的大多數建議都認為,在確信異常可以被捕獲的任何情況下,應該優先使用檢查型異常。

That way there was no risk of the past and , conceivably , hundreds of offspring returning to haunt the donors , and clinics did not have the expense and hassle of records 診所保證不透露他們的姓名。這樣就不會出現成百上千個后代回來搔擾捐獻者此外,診所也不必承擔相應的費用和麻煩。

With the triangle providing enough of a framework , crawford would conceivably tame his wildness and blossom into a dependable , all - star - caliber performer 三角進攻已經提供好了(進攻的)模式和框架,克勞福德一定會收起他的野蠻而變成一名可靠的、全明星實力的球員。

For this reason , the master device could conceivably start transmissions before the slave device has finished receiving data , leading to a failure in communications 由此可知,主設備可能會在從設備接受數據結束之前便開始發送數據,從而導致通信失敗。

Technical note : this method isn ' t 100 % foolproof . a spammer could conceivably program his e - mail collector to decode these values , but not likely 技術提示:這種方法不是100 %安全的。一個獵頭可能知道編寫他的電子郵件收集器來解碼,但不是很可能的。

The defaults are reasonable to the point where you could conceivably click - through every screen and still end up with a fully functional installation 系統提供的缺省安裝是合理的,通過鼠標單擊逐個屏幕您就可以完成一次功能全的安裝。

An act that was presumably intended to kill me , but that might conceivably have been intended merely to signify this possibility 這種行為被假設為殺我的意向,但同時也能理解另一種意向,也就是殺我的可能性。