
conceivable adj.可以想到的,可以想像的,可能的。 by ever...


Many people who have every conceivable reason to be happy , who have fulfilled their dreams and attained success , are miserable 很多人有各種令人信服的理由感到幸福,他們實現夢想,獲得成功,卻籠罩在愁云慘霧之中。

It is also conceivable that significant variation in particle size of wind blown dusts would occur as a result of changing weather conditions 而且,可以想像天氣、環境的變化也會造成風吹起的粉塵的顆粒尺寸多變。

It is conceivable that the constitution could be voted on by the french again or even revised , although the process would be cumbersome 我們仍可以想象此憲法在法國重新被表決,甚至被修訂,盡管此過程是很麻煩的。

It is also conceivable that martian life did find a suitable niche on earth but that scientists have simply not identified it yet 來自火星的生命也可能真的在地球上覓得安身立命之所,只是科學家尚未認出它們。

Are streets without traffic signs conceivable ? seven cities and regions in europe are giving it a try - - with good results 如果道路上不設交通標志是否方便?七個歐洲城市正在做這樣的嘗試? ?收效不錯。

Over the years , iaa has been invoked in one way or another at almost every conceivable biochemical and cell physiological level 這幾年中,曾以不同方式將iaa聯系到每個可想到的生化和細胞生理水平。

But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver , shoemaker , or anything but a gardener 但它是可以想象的父親,我們都應該有一個維夫,鞋匠,或什么事,而是一個園丁?

Among all the ways and means , a massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help 在所有的措施中,開展大規模的教育活動是目前唯一行之有效的方法

Among all the ways and means , a massive educational campain is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help 在所有的措施中,開展大規模的教育活動是目前唯一行之有效的方法

But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver , shoemaker , or anything but a gardener 但它是可以想像的,父親我們全部應該是織布工,鞋匠,或任何事除了花匠

There were ears , half covered by every conceivable semblance of a hat , which still looked stiff and bitten 那些被各種像是帽子一樣的東西半掩住的耳朵,看上去還是被凍僵和凍傷了。

In colombia , it is conceivable only in the climate of greater security that mr uribe has created 在哥倫比亞,只有在烏里韋已經創造出更大程度的安全環境之下才可以想象。

This variety of products makes it possible to find an optimum solution for every conceivable requirement 這種產品的多樣性可為每一種想象中的需求找到理想的解決辦法。

It uses it for light cargo and shunting . it is conceivable that this locomotive is almost same with mikaro Mikaro型是用于調車和小貨物列車的小型煤水車式蒸汽機車。

The musicians of “ tambuco “ use all conceivable and inconceivable means to realize their musical ideas 樂團運用所有可以想象和出乎意料的方式實現他們的音樂理念。

Hibernate allows you to specify every conceivable strategy for getting primary keys other than 以外的、其他可以想象的得到主鍵獲得策略,不過我更愿意使用native 。

Is it conceivable that the policy wonks will ever win the battle with the campaign consultants 政治強手們可以贏得這場與競選顧問之間的斗爭嗎?

However , even the best product construction kit cannot cover every conceivable request 然而,最好的產品組合套裝也不能滿足所有想到的要求。

Stopping a passenger service for the inspection of the director this case is not conceivable in japan 這種做法,在日本是難以想像的。