
conceited adj.1.自負的,自夸的,逞能的。2.狂想的,奇想的。...


She should have it coming on her , for she ' s been too conceited 那才活該呢!誰讓她總是那么趾高氣揚的。

That means conceited . anyone else 真夠花哨的-還有嗎?

You mustn ' t be conceited even if you ' ve achieved great successes 即使你取得了很大的成績也不應當驕傲。

I conceited the problem , so i thought of possible solutions 我理解這問題,所以我想出可能的解決辦法。

He ' s very conceited but he ' s just a lightweight in politics 他很自負但是在政治中他沒有任何影響力。

For , to conceited men , all other men are admirers 在那些愛虛榮的人眼里,別人都成了他們的崇拜者。

Conceited [ = ingenious ] goods are quickly spent 花哨貨,不經用

He conceited himself already an artist 他自以為已經是個藝術家了。

So high and so conceited that there was no enduring him 那么高傲,那么自大,叫人不可容忍!

The last reflection may seem conceited ; it was not 最后的念頭仿佛有點自負,其實倒也不是。

Don ' t grow conceited over your successes 你不要因為成功而變得自高自大。

Please , he ' s such a conceited , arrogant 得了吧,他是個自以為是傲慢無禮

Conceited people never hear anything but praise 所有自負的人,都只能聽見贊美的聲音。

A conceited man only gossips about other ' s errors 謙虛者常思己過,驕傲者只論人非。

It is a great pity that she should be so conceited 真遺憾她會這樣自高自大。

He became conceited after only modest success 他在小有成就之后變得自負起來。

It is a great pity that he should be so conceited 很可惜,他這個人竟然這么自大。

She ' s a pain in the ass . she ' s conceited and - 她真是讓人頭痛她很自以為是,她

Please , he ' s such a conceited , arrogant . . 得了吧,他是個自以為是、傲慢無禮. .