
conceit n.1.自負,自大,自滿。2.奇想,幻想;(作品的)做作...


The man ' s full of conceit 此人極其狂妄自大。

The conceit of the man - - comparing his own work with picasso ' s 這個自高自大的人- -竟把自己的作品跟畢加索的相比

Your arrogance and conceit , your selfish disdain for the feelings of others 你十足狂妄自大、自私自利、看不起別人

And we have the conceit to think that somehow we ' re a threat , 我們就有資格狂?自大,以為能在某方面對地球構成威脅

He is wise about his own conceit 他自認為聰明。

He was a monster of conceit 他是一個自負的怪人。

Conceit may puff a man up , but it can never prop him up 自高自大可以使一個人膨脹起來,但并不能支撐住他。

Conceit is the most incurable disease that is known to the human soul 驕傲自滿是精神上最不可救藥的頑癥。

Mr fix evidently was not wanting in a tinge of self - conceit 顯然,這個費克斯是個多少有點自命不凡的人。

This young man is full of conceit 這個年輕人非常自負。

Conceit is the quicksand of success 自負是成功的流沙。

Conceit makes one lag behind 謙虛使人進步,驕傲使人落后。

This kind of view is too conceit 這種自信表現得過于自負。

Modesty helps one to go forward , whereas conceit makes one lag behind 虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落后

The lad has a large conceit of himself 那小伙子極為自命不凡。

Modesty helps one to make progress ; conceit makes one lag behind 謙虛使人進步,驕傲使人落后。

I don ' t have much conceit of his poems 我對他的詩作沒有什麼好評。

Modesty helps one go forward , whereas conceit makes one lag behind 虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落后

I don ' t have much conceit of his poems 我對他的詩沒有太多的想法。