
concealment n.1.隱匿,隱蔽;潛伏。2.埋伏處,躲避處。短語和例子...


He snatched the pistol back , jealously ; shut the knife , and returned it to its concealment 他猜忌地把手槍奪回去,合攏刀子,又把它藏回原處。

To shoot from concealment at the blameless ; suddenly they shoot at him , and do not fear 詩64 : 4要在暗地射完全人他們忽然射他、并不懼怕。

In time , these incidents only made her better at concealment and stealth 就是這些小動作,練就這只小花豹,更好的躲藏,以及偷襲之術吧。

“ i don t know , “ she answered , pleased , nevertheless , beyond all concealment “這我就不知道了, ”她回答道,可是卻掩飾不住內心的喜悅。

Wavelet transform based image compression using a new grouping and error concealment scheme 基于小波域的圖像壓縮分組編碼及其差錯隱藏

The code of drug control information management part 10 : the codes of drug concealment types 禁毒信息管理代碼第10部分:藏毒方式代碼

Hk customs crack 15 cases of heroin - trafficking by internal concealment with photo 香港海關偵破十五宗人體藏毒跨國販運毒品案附圖

Misreading of philosophy and thought ' s concealment - thinking of yany xian - zhen ' s philosophy lncident 關于楊獻珍哲學學案的思考

Discussing the personality charm of the skating teacher and the p . e concealment course 論冰上課教師人格魅力與體育隱蔽課程

Why did he so quietly submit to the concealment mr . rochester enforced 為什么別人對他施暴或者背棄,他此刻卻那么俯首貼耳?

Hybrid error concealment for compressed image transmission based on space and wavelet domain 空間域聯合估計的差錯隱藏算法

It can still be effectively blind due to concealment , such as darkness or fog 但它仍可能因掩蔽而目盲,比如黑暗或濃霧。

Forgetting quot; the negative dialectics quot; : the historical concealment in the study on adorno 阿多諾研究的歷史性遮蔽

After this , this thesis shows the error concealment technologies h . 264 used 接下來本文討論了h . 264的差錯隱藏技術。

Initiate concealment sequence 啟動偽裝程序

A spatial error concealment scheme based on prediction of texture direction 基于紋理方向預測的空域差錯隱藏方案

A place of shelter or concealment 隱藏之處或藏身之處

On the significance of the self - concealment in heidegger ' s philosophical thought 對海德格爾思想本身的意義

Layers have the functions of encapsulation , concealment and abstraction 層具有封裝性、隱蔽性和抽象性。