
conceal vt.隱藏,隱蔽,隱匿。 conceal from (s...


Having concealed the main circumstance of my sex from him, i had a vast advantage . 我向他始終不肯說出我的性別,我就占了很大的便宜了。

I observed that they were both wrapped in cloaks, and appeared to conceal themselves . 我察覺他倆都包裹在外套里面,似乎有意隱藏自己。

The sun was concealed by the dreary expanse of grey cloud that covered the wintry sky . 天氣酷冷,天空中一大片陰暗的灰云遮沒了太陽。

I will not attempt to conceal from you that our patience is becoming strained . 我不想對諸位隱瞞,我們的忍耐已經到了很勉強的地步。

Roosevelt and hull both replied in words that scarcely concealed their disgust . 羅斯福和赫爾的答詞,幾乎沒有隱藏他們的憎惡之情。

The woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it . 那個女人在她自己心愛的人面前也用這種技巧遮遮掩掩。

It occurred to me that strikland had concealed his address, after all . 我想起來,思特里克蘭德本來是不想叫別人知道他的行蹤的。

His jacket, i know, concealed a body brace which supported his spine . 我知道在他的外衣里面隱藏著一付支撐著他脊椎骨的支架。

There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun , and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp . 旌旗蔽日,刀劍如麻。

I could keep my passion pure by concealing it in the inmost recesses of my heart . 我能夠把自己純潔的熱情藏在內心深處。

The great rock of gibraltar finally loomed out of its concealing haze . 偉大之直布羅陀堡壘最后從隱蔽的霞霧中出現。

The apparent simplicity of this concept conceals innumerable snags . 這種表面很簡單的概念卻隱藏著無數的暗礁。

And it was possible that her reserve concealed a very deep feeling . 在她的緘默后面也可能隱藏著深摯的感情。

The truth dawned on her, and she could hardly conceal her astonishment . 她猜到了真情,她幾乎掩飾不住驚訝。

I cannot conceal from you that sometimes i long for you dreadfully . 我不能對你隱瞞,我有時思念你心焦如焚。

This favorable overall result conceals some variability . 這樣一種有利的總的結果也包含著一些不確定的因素。

The ingenuous boy gave an account of his act, concealing nothing . 那老實的男孩毫無隱諱地說明了他的行為。

The proud ione took care to conceal the anguish she endured . 驕傲的伊俄涅小心翼翼地掩飾著內心的痛苦。

He hated her straightforwardly, making no effort to conceal it . 他十分坦率地恨她,從不設法加以掩飾。