
concavity n.凹狀;凹性;凹度;凹處,凹面;成凹形。


According to surgical principle that all of the necrotic soft tissues and the dead bones should be excised , classical reconstruction of the scalp and skull 15 performed after thorough debridement or sequestration of the necrotic bone , however , they induced many potential disadvantages including epidural or intracerebral infections , leakage of spinal - cerebral fluids ( csf ) , and herniation of the brain , not to mention of the prolonged hospital stay and poor aesthetical contour due to bony defect concavity 依據處理創傷的外科準則,所有壞死的軟組織甚至骨頭都必須清除,所以常規對于此類頭皮及顱骨傷口的治療是以手術清除包括顱骨的所有壞死組織,或以抗生素照護傷口等其壞死組織慢慢剝落后再進行重建。

In chapter two , under non - lipschitz condition , the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the second kind of bsde is researched , based on it , the stability of the solution is proved ; in chapter three , under non - lipschitz condition , the comparison theorem of the solution of the second kind of bsde is proved and using the monotone iterative technique , the existence of minimal and maximal solution is constructively proved ; in chapter four , on the base of above results , we get some results of the second kind of bsde which partly decouple with sde ( fbsde ) , which include that the solution of the bsde is continuous in the initial value of sde and the application to optimal control and dynamic programming . at the end of this section , the character of the corresponding utility function has been discussed , e . g monotonicity , concavity and risk aversion ; in chapter 5 , for the first land of bsde , using the monotone iterative technique , the existence of minimal and maximal solution is proved and other characters and applications to utility function are studied 首先,第二章在非lipschitz條件下,研究了第二類方程的解的存在唯一性問題,在此基礎上,又證明了解的穩定性;第三章在非lipschitz條件下,證明了第二類bsde解的比較定理,并在此基礎上,利用單調迭代的方法,構造性證明了最大、最小解的存在性;第四章在以上的一些理論基礎之上,得到了相應的與第二類倒向隨機微分方程耦合的正倒向隨機微分方程系統的一些結果,主要包括倒向隨機微分方程的解關于正向隨機微分方程的初值是具有連續性的,得到了最優控制和動態規劃的一些結果,在這一章的最后還討論了相應的效用函數的性質,如,效用函數的單調性、凹性以及風險規避性等;第五章,針對第一類倒向隨機微分方程,運用單調迭代方法,證明了最大和最小解的存在性,并研究了解的其它性質及在效用函數上的應用。

In this chapter , a class of mixed monotone operators with a - t type convexity and concavity has been discussed through cone theory and by using the method of lower - upper solutions , the skill of monotone iterative . the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of their fixed points are given . the results in relevant literatures are generalized or included . these sufficient and necessary conditions are out of the limitation of only giving the sufficient conditions in previous papers , and improve the relevant results essentially ; for a class of mixed monotone operators with general a - t type convexity and concavity , the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of their fixed points are given by introducing the concept of ? adjoint sequence “ . for a class of sublinear mixed monotone operators , the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of their fixed points are also given by using diagonal process with double - lower ordinate arrangement . and a cl ass of mixed monotone operators with ( a , / 3 ) type convexity and concavity is also studied through some proper transforms , the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of their fixed points are also given under certain conditions 通過運用錐理論,采用上下解方法、單調迭代技巧等討論了一類? t型凹凸的混合單調算子,給出了其存在唯一不動點的充分必要條件,含蓋了相關文獻的部分工作,所給的充要條件彌補了以往只給出充分條件的局限性,對文獻中的相關工作做了本質性的改進;對于廣義? t型凹凸混合單調算子,通過引入“伴隨列”的概念,也給出了其存在唯一不動點的充分必要條件;對于次線性混合單調算子,通過運用雙下標排列的對角線方法,也給出了其存在唯一不動點的充分必要條件;通過適當的變換技巧,討論了( , )型凹凸混合單調算子,在一定的條件下,給出了其存在唯一不動點的充分必要條件。

Generally speaking , the segmentation method itself could n ' t judge whether there are overlapping bubbles or not in the images ; also could n ' t split them . a concavity detection method of the overlapping bubbles , based on the projection of the object contour is proposed here ; then departing point pair is obtained by matching the concavities ; finally , the splitting curve is obtained by the departing point pair constrained based minimum mean square error ( mmse ) ellipse fitting 一般說來,圖像分割無法判斷所獲得的氣泡區域是否存在粘連并對其進行分西安理工大學碩士學位論文離,所以本文采用對日標物的輪廓進行投影檢測來尋找氣泡粘連處的凹點,并對凹點進行配對以獲得粘連氣泡的分離點對。

In the algorithm , the convexity - concavity of vertexes and arcs must be identified , and a fast approach for identifying the convexity - concavity of line - arc closed curve is proposed . firstly , the orientation of a closed - curve is determined by constructing a new convex polygon . secondly , by using the orientation of the closed curve the convexity - concavity of vertices and arcs are identified 在算法實現過程中,由于需要對圓弧和直線段組成的封閉曲線的頂點、圓弧的凸凹性進行判定,本文提出了一個圓弧和直線段組成的封閉曲線凸凹性快速判定方法,該方法首先通過構造一中介凸多邊形求出封閉曲線的方向,然后根據封閉曲線方向確定頂點及圓弧的凸凹性,進而確定封閉曲線的凸凹性。

The constructed surface is c2 continuous on the whole domain , and is a piecewise cubic parametric polynomial on every subdomains . the interpolating surface can preserve the convexity , concavity , inflection property and monotonicity of the data set . in the end , each algorithm brought forward in the paper is exemplified , at the same time , error is discussed 3針對保形曲面插值問題,提出了一種插值于給定數據點集的參數型保形曲面插值算法,所構造的曲面在整個區域上是c ~ 2連續的,在每個子區域上是分片三次參數多項式,并且保持被插函數集的所有子區域的邊界及其內部的軸向單調性、凸凹性以及拐點性質。

According to surgical principle that all of the necrotic soft tissues and the dead bones should be excised , classical reconstruction of the scalp and skull 15 performed after thorough debridement or sequestration of the necrotic bone , however , they induced many potential disadvantages including epidural or intracerebral infections , leakage of spinal - cerebral fluids ( csf ) , and herniation of the brain , not to mention of the prolonged hospital stay and poor aesthetical contour due to bony defect concavity 依據處理創傷的外科準則,所有壞死的軟組織甚至骨頭都必須清除,所以傳統對于此類頭皮及顱骨傷口的治療是以手術清除包括顱骨的所有壞死組織,或以抗生素照護傷口等其壞死組織慢慢剝落后再進行重建。

As a special case of mixed monotone operators with a - t type convexity and concavity , the mixed monotone operators with a - type positive homogeneity have similar results on the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of their fixed points 由于?正齊次算子的討論,結果比較完善,混合單調的?正齊次算子作為? t型凹凸混合單調算子的特殊情況,我們自然有其存在不動點的充要條件。

The uniform concavity of black cloud was lifting bodily like the lid of a pot , letting in at the earth s edge the coming day , against which the towering monoliths and trilithons began to be blackly defined 滿天的烏云像一個大鍋蓋,正在整個地向上揭起,把姍姍來遲的黎明從大地的邊上放進來,因此矗立在那兒的孤獨石柱和兩根石柱加一根橫梁的牌坊,也露出了黑色的輪廓。

By the comparison theorem , a series of properties of the backward - forward differential utility process is gotten , such as time consistence , monotonicity with respect to the terminal value , monotonicity with respect to the consumption and concavity 運用比較定理,還證明了正倒向隨機微分效用過程的時間一致性、終值單調性、消費單調性和凹性等有關性質。

The purpose of this paper is to discuss two classes of nonlinear equations , one of which is nonlinear operator equations with concavity or convexity and the other is nonlinear integro - differential equations in banach space 在本文中,我們主要討論了banach空間中兩類非線性方程,其一為具有凹凸性的非線性算子方程,其二為非線性積分-微分方程

The chapter is devoted to the existence and uniqueness of fixed point of monotone operators with concavity or convexity . in 2 . 1 . we present some relations : among the various concave operators , among the various - convex operators 在本節中,我們也討論了具有序凹(凸)性的單調算子及具有u _ o凹凸性的混合單調算子唯一正不動點的存在性問題。

In chapter 1 , a class of mixed monotone operators with a - t type convexity and concavity has been discussed , the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of their fixed points are given 全文共分三章:第一章,討論了一類? t型凹凸的混合單調算子,給出了其存在唯一不動點的充分必要條件。

In particular , we give a series of sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence and uniqueness of fixed point of increasing operators with u0 - concavity and decreasing operators with - u0 - convexity 在2 . 2中,我們給出了增的u _ o凸算子,增的( 1 )齊次算子算于存在唯一正不動點的充分條件。

The scissors shape of concavity on the wall was used to lock the beam to avoid damages from earthquakes and the square cave was dug by cing s army to put posts while constructing their barracks 城壁的上端仍留有剪刀形的壁鎖凹痕,是鎖梁柱用的,防地震;方形的洞口則是清軍筑營房時挖的,用來放柱子。

Finally , the convexity - concavity of the closed curve is detected . in the end , choi ' s pair - wise offset of polygon algorithm is improv ed based on the proposed curve intersection algorithm 文章最后完善了choi多邊形等距偏移算法,并把本文提出的封閉曲線求交方法應用其中,用于自交點的確定。

With the concavity and integrability of sublinear terms near zero , the symmetry results for a class of sublinear elliptic equations are given by making use of the moving - plane method 本文利用次線性項在零點附近的凹性和可積性,用移動平面法給出了一類次線性橢圓方程正解的對稱性

A minimax theorem generally involves three assumption conditions : space structures on sets x and y , the continuity of the functions and the concavity and convexity of functions 一個極大極小定理一般涉及三個假設條件:集合x和y的空間結構,函數的連續性和函數的凹凸性。

Sometimes different combinations in the concavity and convexity of functions may construct a new theorem 函數凹凸性的不同組合往往可以構成一個新的極大極小定理。