
concatenation n.連鎖;連結成串,連續。


Adopt germany to be stereoscopic to close lock catch technology , make floor to be concatenation close , firm 采用德國立體封閉鎖扣技術,使地板拼接更緊密,更穩固。

Operator , you might not be able to determine whether addition or string concatenation will occur 運算符時,可能無法確定應該執行加法運算還是執行字符串連接運算。

Is on enabled , which returns a null if any operand in a concatenation operation is null 設置處于打開狀態(啟用) ,則當串聯操作中的任何操作數為空時將返回null 。

But as advanced java programmers , you all know that string concatenation is bad , right ,但是作為一個高級java程序員,你們都知道字符串的串接不是很好,對不對?

The implementation layer also performs segmentation and concatenation of messages for the underlying protocol 實現層還執行用于底層協議的消息分段和并置。

To help protect against sql statement exploits , never create sql queries using string concatenation 為了防止sql語句利用,決不能串聯字符串創建sql查詢。

Both carry out the basic concatenation operation , as the following example shows . visual basic 這兩種串聯運算符都執行基本的串聯運算,如下面的示例所示。

String concatenation requires time and memory to create the string , and then writes to the stream 字符串串聯需要時間和內存來創建字符串,然后寫入流。

In this design , up to 64 vc - 12 virtual concatenation is available , or a whole vc - 4 if needed 比如一個10m的以太網,可以采取5個vc - 12虛級聯。

Operators allow you to perform arithmetic , comparison , concatenation , or assignment of values 使用運算符可以執行算術、比較、串聯或賦值操作。

Operator for concatenation to eliminate ambiguity and to provide self - documenting code 運算符執行連接操作,以消除多義性并提供自我說明代碼。

It then uses string concatenation to create a complete , well - formed xml document from it 然后使用字符串連接創建完整的、結構良好的xml文檔。

Listing 2 shows a sample algorithm which creates such a key by string concatenation 清單2顯示了一個通過字符串串聯創建此類鍵的示例算法。

Concatenation would concatenate the string and print it as one argument 連接操作會首先將字符串連接在一起,然后將其作為一個參數打印。

The result of a concatenation operation is null when either operand is null 當串聯運算的兩個操作數中任意一個為null時,結果也為null 。

The result is a string value representing the concatenation of the two string operands 結果是表示兩個字符串操作數連接的字符串值。

Controls whether concatenation results are treated as null or empty string values 控制是將串聯結果視為空值還是空字符串值。

The root namespace can lead to unexpected concatenations of namespace names 根命名空間可能導致命名空間名稱發生意外的串聯。

Otherwise , use the default instance database name , which is a concatenation of 否則,將使用默認的實例數據庫名稱,該名稱由