
concatenate vt.使(成串地)連結[銜接]起來。adj.連鎖狀的。


You can extract substrings , and concatenate strings , like this 您可以提取子字符串和連接字符串,如下所示:

A new delegate with an invocation list that concatenates the invocation lists of 新的委托,它的調用列表將

Tip : concatenating files with cat 技巧:用cat合并文件

Download details : certificate renewal wizard concatenates certificate 下載詳細信息:證書續訂向導連接證書

Instead of just concatenating strings together with the plus sign as in 不是用加號將字符串連接在一起(如

Gets the concatenated values of the entity node and all its children 獲取實體節點和所有其子級的串聯值。

Join can concatenate strings with any delimiter string , 可以使用任何分隔符字符串將多個字符串連接起來,而

Uplift marxism ' s studying atmosphere : theory concatenating practice 大力弘揚理論聯系實際的馬克思主義學風

Gets or sets the concatenated values of the 的連接的值。

That contains the newly concatenated value representing the contents of the two 參數內容的新串聯的值。

Concatenates two specified instances of 的兩個指定實例。

Concatenates four specified instances of 的四個指定實例。

Concatenates three specified instances of 的三個指定實例。

The operator concatenates strings +運算符用于連接字符串:

Concatenates one or more instances of 的一個或多個實例,或

Value is generated by concatenating the 值是通過連接控件的

Containing the newly concatenated value representing the contents of the two 參數內容的新連接的值。

This requires concatenating large strings for dynamic execution 這要求連接長字符串,以便動態執行。

These operators can also concatenate 這兩種運算符還可以串聯