
conative adj.1.【心理學】努力企求的,欲求的。2.【語法】增...

conative verb

The model is on the basis of the theory of consumers ’ behavior , customer loyalty theory , trust theory and store image theory , and treats the customer satisfaction and customer trust as the media variables . this paper tries to cause a heuristic argument exploring the relation between the store image and customer loyalty within the framework in four dimensions of cognitive loyalty , affective loyalty , conative loyalty and action loyalty . then it develops the local scale which is suitable for use under the background of chinese culture 模型主要以消費者行為理論、顧客忠誠理論、信任理論和商店印象理論為基礎,以顧客滿意和顧客信任為中介變量,從認知忠誠、情感忠誠、意向忠誠和行為忠誠四個維度來探討商店印象與顧客忠誠間的關系,并通過文獻回顧,發展出適合我國文化背景的商店印象量表。

And besides that , it also can indirectly influence the cognitive loyalty and affective loyalty through the media variables of customer satisfaction and customer trust . however , it is found that the customer satisfaction and customer trust have no direct effect on conative loyalty and action loyalty . at the same time , the causality among the multi - dimensional loyalty is supported by the findings of the empirical study , which further interprets the complicate causality chain of the variables 研究結論表明,各測量量表具有良好的信度和效度;商店印象不僅直接影響認知忠誠、情感忠誠、意向忠誠和行為忠誠,而且還通過顧客滿意和顧客信任間接影響認知忠誠和情感忠誠,但顧客滿意和顧客信任對意向忠誠和行為忠誠卻沒有直接影響;顧客忠誠四個維度間的因果關系也得到實證支持,進而初步理清變量之間復雜的因果關系鏈。

The causative and conative usage of adjectives in classic chinese are both found in the svo structures , while the difference between the two lies in their alternative patterns of different semantic meanings 摘要古代漢語中形容詞的使動用法和意動用法一般都采用“主謂賓”結構式,兩者的區別在于句式的變換不同,動賓結構所表示的語義關系不同。

On constitutive subjectivity and conative subjectivity 論構成的主體性與意動的主體性