
conan n.科南〔男子名〕。


The stark - munro letters by a . conan doyle , property of the city of dublin public library , 106 capel street , lent 21 may whitsun eve 1904 , due 4 june 1904 , 13 days overdue black cloth binding , bearing white letternumber ticket 這是卡佩爾街一0六號的都柏林市立公共圖書館藏書,一九0四年五月二十一日圣靈降臨節前夕借出,還書期限為一九0四年六月四日,故已過期十三天黑色布面精裝,貼有白色的編碼標簽。

He eventually graduated to the title role in “ conan the barbarian “ in 1982 and later the 1984 sci - fi action move “ the terminator “ which made him into a superstar 1982年,他終于在野蠻人科南中出演主角。隨后1984年的科幻動作大片終結者更是讓施瓦辛格一躍成為影壇巨星。

They went missing in a dispute over conan doyle ' s estate 40 years ago but were found in the offices of a london legal firm earlier this year 40年前,這些文件和手工作品在一場柯南?道爾的遺產紛爭中丟失,但今年年初在倫敦一家法律公司的辦公室里失而復得。

They went missing in a dispute over conan doyle ' s 40 years ago but were found in the offices of a london legal firm earlier this year 40年前,這些文件和手工作品在一場柯南道爾的遺產紛爭中丟失,但今年年初在倫敦一家法律公司的辦公室里失而復得。

A lost collection of personal papers belonging to sherlock holmes creator sir arthur conan doyle sold for 948 , 546 at auction on may 19 5月19日,夏洛克?福爾摩斯的創造者亞瑟?科南?道爾曾經丟失的一套個人文件集在拍賣會上以948 , 546英鎊的價格售出。

His acting career didn ' t take off , however , until he obtained the lead role in conan the barbarian in 1982 盡管如此,他的演藝事業直到1982年他在影片《野蠻人科南》中得到出演主角(的機會)時才有起色。

Sir arthur conan doyle introduced sherlock holmes to the reading public in 1887 in his novel a study in scarlet 亞瑟柯南道爾爵士于1887年在他的小說《血字的研究》中將夏洛克福爾摩斯介紹給大眾讀者。

How ? simple ! please reply to the topic of “ releasing detective conan petition “ in general discussions in the forum area 怎麼幫呢?很簡單!在一般討論區中的出版名偵探柯南請愿書主題回覆文章

The daring thief ' s exploits achieved a level of popularity to match that of arthur conan doyle ' s sherlock holmes 這個大膽竊賊的業績受歡迎的程度足以與阿瑟?柯南道爾筆下的福爾摩斯媲美。

New investigator and jodie move with the bomb in order to make the explosion occur far away . conversation with conan 為了引爆炸彈,新的調查員和朱迪帶著炸彈離開了。與柯南對話。

Detective conan movie 9 “ strategy above the depths “ will be released on april 9th , 2005 , in japan 名探偵柯南的劇場版9水平線上陰謀將會于明年4月9日在日本上映

It also included personal effects taken from conan doyle ' s writing desk after his death in 1930 其中還包括科南?道爾1930年去世后,從他寫字桌里找到的私人物品。

We are running a petition for the release of detective conan in english . and we need you to help us out 我們正努力催促名偵探柯南出英文版.我們需要你的協助

It also included taken from conan doyle ' s writing desk after his death in 1930 其中還包括科南道爾1930年去世后,從他寫字桌里找到的私人物品。

Wait a minute , that ' s conan , i stepped out of character here for a second . “ - gov 等會兒,那是(野蠻人)柯南,我剛才失神了一下。

Detective conan 1 名偵探柯南1完

[ scene change to conan , time passed ] jodie protects camel ' s safety [場景變換柯南,時間流逝過去]朱蒂保障卡梅爾的安全

Well , conan , i can ' t believe you ' re bringing this up 好,科南(美國著名脫口秀主持人)不敢相信你又提起這個了

Kudrow used to date american talk show host conan o brian 庫卓曾經和美國脫口秀主持人柯南?奧布里恩約會。