
con 〔意大利語〕【音樂】以,用。 con amore 親切地...

con dolore

- i ' m a terrible sleigh con - it ' s fine conversation -我不怎么會說話-我覺得你說的很好

Congratulate on your success in the con test 祝賀你在比賽中取得了好成績。

I want you to consider all the pros and cons 我希望你們權衡一下一切利弊。

Pollutants from air - con units and refrigerators 空調裝置及雪柜排放的污染物

Jane : his past ! ? was he an ex - con or something 簡:他的過去?他過去坐過牢還是什么?

Or , mabye make a few friends among us cons 或者也許是為了同我們搞好關系。

I want you to consider all pros and cons (我希望你考慮一下所有的正反兩方面的理由。

Or , maybe make a few friends among us cons 或者也許是為了同我們搞好關系。

Promotion of family planning to con 實行計劃生育控制人口數量提高人口素質

The pros and cons of the rapid accumulation of fx reserves 外匯儲備高速積累的正與反

We need to discuss the pros and cons of this method 我們必須討論此方法的正反兩面。

I ' m just a horny ex - con watching an exotic dancer 這只是個好色的罪犯在看色情舞罷了

Father says all psychiatrists are con men 爸爸說所有的精神醫生都是別扭的人

Who can list the pros and cons of our cooperation 誰能列出我們合作的利弊?

I want those cons to understand who owns them 我要讓這些囚犯知道誰說了算!

A global convergence property of the con 線搜索的一種共軛梯度法的全局收斂性

He ' s quick on his toes , he ' s hip , he ' s a con artist 他反應敏捷,趕時髦,是個騙人老手

Like a game of chess , same with a con 就像下棋一樣同樣的道理也適用在騙局上

Volvo super olympian lf 12 metre air - con 3asv 富豪超級奧林匹克低地臺12米空調巴士