
comte Comte , Auguste 孔德〔1798-1857...


Some time after , it was stated that the comte de morcerf this was the name he bore had entered the service of ali pasha with the rank of instructor - general . ali pasha was killed , as you know , but before he died he recompensed the services of fernand by leaving him a considerable sum , with which he returned to france , when he was gazetted lieutenant - general . 阿里總督后來被殺了,這您是知道的,但在他死之前,他留下了一筆很大的款子給弗爾南多,以酬謝他的效衷,他就帶著那一大筆錢回到了法國,而他那中將的銜頭也已到手了。 ”

“ do you know , my dear villefort , “ cried the comte de salvieux , “ that is exactly what i myself said the other day at the tuileries , when questioned by his majesty s principal chamberlain touching the singularity of an alliance between the son of a girondin and the daughter of an officer of the duc de cond ; and i assure you he seemed fully to comprehend that this mode of reconciling political differences was based upon sound and excellent principles “好啊,我親愛的維爾福, ”薩爾維歐伯爵大聲說道“您的話簡直就象那次我在伊勒里宮講的一樣,那次御前大臣問我,他說一個吉倫特黨徒的兒子同一個保皇黨的女兒的聯姻是否有點奇特,他很理解這種政治上化敵為友的主張,而且這正是國王的主張。

The commanders are : herr general wimpfen , le comte de langeron , le prince de lichtenstein , le prince de hohenlohe and prishprshiprsh , or some such polish name . hold your tongue , backbiter , said dolgorukov . its not true , there are two russians : miloradovitch and dohturov , and there would have been a third , count araktcheev , but for his weak nerves “ taisezvous , mauvaiselangue ”多爾戈魯科夫說, “您所說的是假話,現在已經有兩個俄國人了:米洛拉多維奇和多赫圖羅夫,可能會有第三個,那就是阿拉克切耶夫伯爵,不過他的神經很脆弱。 ”

“ these are all so many empty words , my dear sir , “ said morcerf : “ they might satisfy a new acquaintance , but the comte de morcerf does not rank in that list ; and when a man like him comes to another , recalls to him his plighted word , and this man fails to redeem the pledge , he has at least a right to exact from him a good reason for so doing . “這些話都聽上去空空洞洞的,我親愛的先生, ”馬爾塞夫說。 “這些話也許可以讓一個萍水相逢的朋友感到滿足,但馬爾塞夫伯爵卻并不是一個萍水相逢的朋友。他以這樣的身份去拜訪另外一個人,要求對方履行諾言的時候,如果這個人不能履行他自己的諾言,那么他起碼應該提出一個充分的理由。 ”

“ oh , m . de villefort , “ cried a beautiful young creature , daughter to the comte de salvieux , and the cherished friend of mademoiselle de saint - m ran , “ do try and get up some famous trial while we are at marseilles . i never was in a law - court ; i am told it is so very amusing ! 一個美麗的年輕姑娘喊道,她是薩爾維歐伯爵的女兒,圣梅朗小姐的密友, “您想想辦法,我們還在馬賽的時候辦幾件轟動的案子吧,我從來沒到過法庭看審訊案子,我聽說那兒非常有趣! ”

Your name is celebrated , your position magnificent ; and then the comte de morcerf is a soldier , and it is pleasing to see the integrity of a bayard united to the poverty of a duguesclin ; disinterestedness is the brightest ray in which a noble sword can shine 您的名聲很好,您的地位誰都羨慕,而馬爾塞夫伯爵又是一個軍人,軍官的公子和一個文官家庭聯姻實在是件很可慶賀的事不因利害考慮來締結婚姻是一種最高貴的行為。

How is it , she said , that madame , who used to have that perfect gentleman , monsieur le comte , at her beck and call - for between you and me , it seems you drove him silly - how is it that madame lets herself be made into mincemeat by that clown of a fellow 她也和我一樣不明白,她說:太太怎么會讓伯爵這樣十全十美的人俯首聽命。棗這里沒有別人,我覺得你把他弄得團團轉棗她還說:太太怎么聽憑一個小丑糟蹋,任意打罵?

“ very good , “ observed danglars , after having read the paragraph ; “ here is a little article on colonel fernand , which , if i am not mistaken , would render the explanation which the comte de morcerf required of me perfectly unnecessary . 騰格拉爾在看完那一段消息后說, “這兒有一小段關于弗爾南多上校的文字,這一段文字,如果我沒有弄錯的話,可以省掉我一番勁兒,免得再跟馬爾塞夫伯爵來解釋了。 ”

My father , the comte de morcerf , although of spanish origin , possesses considerable influence , both at the court of france and madrid , and i unhesitatingly place the best services of myself , and all to whom my life is dear , at your disposal . 家父馬爾塞夫伯爵,雖然原籍是西班牙人,但在法國和馬德里兩個宮廷里都有相當的勢力,我可以向您保證,我和所有那些愛我的人,都愿意盡力為您效勞。

The positivism economics itself , which the new classical economics diligently strives . ifter , is formed under the guidance of the positivism created by comte in the 19th century although the new classical economics had claimed to rid itself of the guidance of philosophy 宣布要擺脫哲學導引的新古典經濟學所孜孜以求的實證經濟學本身就是在19世紀孔德所創立的實證哲學的導引下形成的。

The north - east is a region where wider european culture ( and specially german culture ) has merged with the french , giving interesting results . it includes alsace , lorraine , champagne - ardenne and franche - comte 法國的東北部地區融合了大部分歐洲的文化(特別是德國) ,這種文化成為了法國的一部分,形成了有趣的現象。該區域包括:阿爾塞斯山脈,洛林,香檳阿登大區和弗朗什孔泰大區。

In theory of bertalanffy and functionalist such as a . comte , h . spencer , e . durkeim , r . brown and malinowski , we can find the shades of the theory of organism and even borrowing of terms of biology 在貝塔朗菲和功能主義的代表人物,如孔德、斯賓塞、迪爾凱姆、馬林諾夫斯基,布朗等學者的理論中都可看到生物有機體理論的影子,甚至可以看到大量生物學術語的借用。

She was lounging comfortably back in her deep easy chair , and she turned round and interrupted herself . “ it s monsieur le comte muffat , darling . he saw a light here while he was strolling past , and he came in to bid us welcome . 她中斷了話頭,轉過頭來,看見是斯泰內,說道: “親愛的,這是繆法伯爵,他散步時看見了燈光,便進來問候我們。 ”

“ m . mignon doesn t tell that tale , “ said the hairdresser . “ according to his account , it was monsieur le comte who chucked you out . yes , and in a pretty disgusting way too - with a kick on the bottom ! 米尼翁先生說事情不是這樣, ”理發師說道, “據他所說,是伯爵先生趕走了你是這樣,而且驅趕的方式粗俗下流,一腳踢在你的屁股上。 ”

One of sources of the methodology of classical economics is induction and deduction which were proposed by bacon and hobbes ’ theory . the other is the positivism which was proposed by comte 古典經濟學的方法論來源之一是培根、霍布斯的經驗主義所倡導的歸納和演繹的方法,之二是孔德所倡導的社會科學的實證主義方法。

As to monsieur le comte , it was all a great pity , so sad had been his sufferings since madame s departure . he had been like a soul in pain - you might have met him wherever madame was likely to be found 說到伯爵先生,他真可憐,自從太太走后,他痛苦萬狀,像是一個受苦受難的人,凡是太太可能到的地方,他都去過了。

Ran s oldest friends , and chamberlain to the comte d artois , “ that the holy alliance purpose removing him from thence ? 薩爾維歐伯爵是圣梅朗侯爵老朋友之一,又是亞托士伯爵的侍從官。 “聽說神圣同盟想要移居他地呢。 ”

“ well , i am charged with the commission of endeavoring to induce the comte de morcerf to make some definite arrangement with the baron . “好!我現在受托要竭力設法使馬爾塞夫伯爵去和男爵把事情確定地安排一下。 ”

Once he wrote down his own name comte pierre bezuhov , but the sum of the figure was far from being right 有一次,作這種計算時,他寫出了自己的名字comte pierre bebsouhoff數字的總和也差得多。