
comrade n.同志;伙伴,同事;戰友。 comrade in ar...


It was a tragic moment, a pitiful incident of the trail-a dying dog, two comrades in anger . 這一霎那,光景非常凄慘,這是旅途中一幕小小的悲劇--一條狗快要死了,兩個伙伴都在發怒。

I had indeed one comrade whose fate went very near me for a good while, though i wore it off too in time . 我有一個同伴,她的厄運使我心里難過了好久,雖然我終究漸漸地把它忘了。

She was alone for the first time with her husband; but her husband was only the charming comrade of yesterday . 這是她生平第一次單獨跟丈夫呆地一起,昨天他還只是她可愛的朋友。

We wish to thank you, comrade bethune, for your work and your heroic devotion to our people . 白求恩同志,為了你的工作,和你對我國人民的忘我的忠誠,我們要在這里深深感謝你。

Comrade bethune was a doctor , who took medical treatment as his profession and was constantly perfecting his skill . 白求恩同志是個醫生,他以醫療為職業,對技術精益求精。

When he opened the heavy volumes it was like finding a comrade in a company town . 當他打開那本沉重的卷帙的時候,那情形就像是在公司鎮里碰到了一個同志一樣。

He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the party presidium . 他事先沒有征求黨的主席團同志的意見,并取得他們的同意。

For a time the talk gravitated to the good old times and the party comrades of better days . 一時話題轉到了過去的好時光和鼎盛時期的黨內同志上。

He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold , indifferent and apathetic . 他對同志不是滿腔熱情,而是冷冷清清,漠不關心,麻木不仁。

Forget about trivial disagreements among comrades , and do n't take them to heart . 同志之間有些小矛盾,過去就算了,不要老是耿耿于懷。

Mr. pappleworth was always natural, and treated paul as if he had been a comrade . 帕波華斯先生待人豪爽大方,對保羅也很夠哥兒們義氣。

Mr. pappleworth was always natural, and treated paul as if he had been a comrade . 帕波華斯先生待人豪爽大方,對保羅很夠哥兒們義氣。

He saw the tears on his comrades cheeks, and bowed his head and understood . 他看到了朋友臉上的淚珠,于是他低下頭,表示心領神會。

Instead of bludgeoning our erring comrades , we should help them with criticism . 對犯錯誤的同志,要批評幫助,不能一棍子打死。

I was to drive some chinese comrades to a soviet ship docked in shanghai . 我開車把一些中國同志送到停泊在上海的蘇聯輪船上去。

After repeated exhortation by his comrades , he finally straightened out his thinking . 經過同志們再三勸導,他終于想通了。

She always bears her comrades in mind ; scarcely does she ever think of herself . 她心里裝著同志們,惟獨沒有她自己。

Lao zhang is very conscientious in doing his work , so his comrades all have confidence in him . 同志們都很信任他。

The article was discussed by us all , but comrade wang did the actual writing . 這篇文章是集體討論,王同志執筆的。