
computerize vt.,vi.1.(給…)裝備電子計算機;(使)電子計算...


Analysis of teaching for computerized accounting 教學的針對性和適應性

The nasdaq is one such computerized stock exchange 納斯達克就是一個股票交易電算化系統。

Computerized queuing system hong kong housing authority 電腦化隊列系統

Computerized quantitative pack verticalform fill and seal machine 電腦自動計量充填包裝機

I think everything ' s gonna be computerized in 20 years 我認為20年后所用東西都會被電腦化

The firm decided to computerize its wages department 公司決定用電腦管理發薪部門的工作。

Since then replaced by a computerized process 此后,電腦取代了人手填寫駕駛執照的工作。

Risks in computerized accounting and measure taken 會計電算化工作中存在的風險及防范措施

Computerized cataloguing and management of cd publications 網絡環境下圖書編目人員的素質

Computerized quantitative pack vertical form fill and seal machine 立體包自動充填包裝機

The computerized solution to lindstedt - poincare method 方法的計算機實現

Soup won ' t be computerized - why not -湯不會被電腦化的-為什么不會?

Computerized management of cds attached to book 淺談圖書館隨書光盤的管理

[ computerized female voice ] you are now entering arizona . . 您現在進入美國亞利桑那州

On the internal control of computerized accounting 會計電算化內部控制初探

33 almost every process is computerized 幾乎每一道工藝都是由電腦控制的。

Provide computerized tracking and tracing inquiry service 提供貨物動態電子查詢服務。

On computerized management of college arichives 談高校檔案工作的微機化管理

The computerized phone has a callback facility 計算機化的電話有回叫裝置。