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computer language 電子計算機語言。

computer speak

Herbert : 3 ) composing 4 ) computer program is like composing music . you use 5 ) computer language just like you use 6 ) notes to 7 ) create one new thing after another 赫伯特:寫電腦程式就像在作曲。使用電腦語言,就像你不斷用音符創作一樣。

So it is with a high - level computer language , where the simple and familiar symbol “ + “ causes many internal functions to be performed in the process of addition 高級語言也是如此,一個簡單的加號可能是由很多復雜的內部加法過程組合起來的

With my understanding of computer language and commitment to work , i could help to tailor new programs which meet the needs of clients 憑我對電腦語言的認識及對工作的投入,我定能為客人編制最切合他們需要的電腦程序。

Sqlite supports much of the sql92 standard , runs on all major operating systems , and has support for the major computer languages Sqlite支持多數sql92標準,可以在所有主要的操作系統上運行,并且支持大多數計算機語言。

Many introductory computer language books create “ hello world “ programs which do little more than compile and print a string 很多計算機語言入門圖書都創建“ hello world ”程序,它們都毫無二致地編譯和打印一個字符串。

High - level computer language is a language that resembles english and uses symbols and command statements that an operator can read 高級計算機語言是一種類似英語的語言,使用的是操作員可讀懂的符號和指令描述。

And we were using the basic computer language , writing little programs to play monopoly , play tic - tac - toe and do neat things 而且我們正在使用基本的計算機語言,寫小計畫給玩垅斷,玩井字游戲而且做整潔的事物。

A programming language or computer language is a standardized communication technique for expressing instructions to a computer 一種程序語言或者計算機語言是到一臺計算機表示指令的一種標準化的通訊技術。

The last part of this thesis is to describe and standardize the organized information and interface by computer language 研究的最后是對組織化的信息及接口采用通用的計算機語言進行描述和標準化。

Of each a piece of prediction methods is given concrete procedure and corresponding computer language procedure 在每種預測方法中,都給出了具體的步驟和相應的計算機語言程序。

The computer language is american english , which ’ s the reason why we are training the american english 電腦語言也使用的美式英語,這就是我們培訓美式英語的原因。

Training : cooking , beauty , hairdressing , computer language school , auto , motorcycle maintenance 培訓:烹飪、美容、美發、計算機文字錄入、汽車維修、摩托車維修。

3 . it programs the maintenance decision support system based on network in computer language 3 、運用計算機編程語言編制了基于網絡的維修決策支持系統。

In that way , trees specifically multi - node ones are ideal for representing computer languages 因而,樹(尤其是多節點樹)是描述計算機語言的理想方式。

This system uses object - oriented programming method , implemented by using c + + computer language 整個系統采用面向對象程序設計方法,利用c + +語言實現。

C # , a complete object - oriented computer language , is the main language used in the system 文中使用完全面向對象語言c #設計實現了通用報表系統。

Then , it will be realized by computer language and be confirmed by the practice 最后,通過程序語言將其實現,并驗證系統的可行性和可靠性。

Sql is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems Sql是一個用來訪問和操作數據庫系統的標準化計算機語言。

It ' s almost like a computer language , an internal code that makes you able to think 幾乎是一種計算機語言,一種內在的解碼使你能夠思想。