
compute vt.,vi.計算,估計;算定。 compute tar...


The ability to persist computed columns of this type 可以保持此類型的計算列。

3 design and compute for mightiness tighten spring 3強力壓緊彈簧的設計計算。

Computing method of correlation of stock data streams 股票數據流的相關性計算方法

Are popped from the stack and their bitwise xor computed 并進行按位異或計算。

Academia sinica computing centre document delivery services 計算中心文獻傳遞服務

You can find many definitions of grid computing see 網格計算的定義有很多種(參閱

Higher diploma in mathematics , statistics computing 高級文憑-數學統計及電子計算

The application of pervasive computing and its perspective 普適計算的應用和展望

May i ask how to compute the business tax payable 請問如何計算營業稅應納稅額?

Higher diploma in applied statistics and computing 應用統計及電子計算學高級文憑

The design of steam pipes hydraulic computing system 蒸汽管道水力計算軟件的開發

Are popped from the stack and their bitwise or computed 并進行按位“或”計算。

Stan s primary interests are in pervasive computing Stan的主要興趣是普及計算。

Role of computed tomography in diagnosis of pneumoconiosis 在塵肺病診斷中的應用

Rigged method and replied to price computing scale 初探電子計價秤作弊手法及應對

Computes the bitwise exclusive - or of its operands 將計算操作數的按位“異或” 。

Even correctly computed results are developed from a conceptual model and not from reality itself . 縱然正確地計算得到的后果,也只是從概念化的模型推導出來的而不是從現實本身得到的。

From the information in this table, we can easily compute an estimate of the value of the mean of this grouped data . 根據表中的資料可以計算出這個分組資料平均數的一個估計值。

The time may be computed to any desired degree of precision by taking enough terms in the infinite series . 在無窮級數中,取足夠多的項,周期的數值可計算到任意的精確度。