
computational adj.計算的。

computational linguistics

Fix on up and down limit and computational methods of convolution integral 卷積積分上下限的確定與計算方法

Advanced computational fluid dynamics 高等計算流體力學

Chinese journal of computational mechanics 計算力學學報

Computational lexical decision model 詞匯判斷的計算模型

Computational method of digital circuit 數值電路計算方法

Computational method of cooling pipe in massive concrete of arch dam 拱壩大體積混凝土冷卻水管計算方法

Problems of nonlinear computational instability in evolution equations 發展方程的非線性計算不穩定問題

The disadvantage of the new schemes is the large computational capacity 格式的缺點是計算量比較大。

Computational result fits well with engineering experience 實例計算結果證明,該方法與工程實際一致。

The computational methods of convolution integral and convolution summation 卷積積分與卷積和解法分析

Computational method algorithmic language 計算方法與算法語言

Do you need to work with a professional computational system 你需要一個價格合理的專業計算系統?

When computational income tax , undertake amortize minute years 在計算所得稅時,分五年進行攤銷。

Macro computational model of rapid wall 速成墻板的宏觀計算模型

The developmental trends of the study on computational linguistics 當前計算語言學研究的發展態勢

The computational architecture for language based on ann 基于神經元網絡的言語的計算結構研究初探

Application of computational fluid dynamics to the packed columns 計算流體力學在填料塔中的應用

Value occurring in computational path of a method marked with a 值的方法的計算路徑中出現的、用

The sixth graders ' computational estimation competence and strategy 六年級兒童的估算水平與策略