
computation n.1.計算,估算。2.計算法。3.計算結果,得數。


Computation and analysis of low - frequency compact range 緊縮場低頻性能的計算與分析

Computation table salt in food salt water percentage 計算食鹽在食鹽水中的百分比。

Computation of glaze ice accretion on airfoil 考慮傳質傳熱效應的翼型積冰計算

Computation of aerodynamic forces for long - span bridges 大跨度橋梁氣動力計算

Tax computation salaries tax and personal assessment 計算稅款薪俸稅及個人入息課稅

Procedure for the computation of loudness of steady sounds 穩態聲音響度的計算程序

He shall have do the computation more carefully 他本該細心一點做這些算題的。

A computation approach based pso for 0ptimal portfolio 的最優投資組合計算方法

Holiday is pressed at ordinary times 3 times computation 節假日按平時的3倍計算。

Computation of diffusion activation energies of c , n in fe 中擴散激活能的計算

Student presentations . theory of chemical computation 6學生報告。化學運算理論。

Dynamic stress computation of hoisting cable in shaft 豎井提升鋼絲繩動荷應力計算

Enhancement in the animation engine computation speed 優化了動畫引擎的計算速度

The computation of hitting sets with boolean formulas 用布爾代數方法計算最小碰集

Thus enumeration and computation became unwieldy 因此列舉和計算變得很難處理。

Computation of transonic viscous flow of a projectile 彈丸跨聲速粘性繞流數值計算

Petroleum products - computation table for viscosity indices 石油產品粘度指數算表

Parallel computation of disjoint products approach 一個數論函數和它的均值的計算

Departure from either of these conditions leads to mathematical problems of which there may be no general methods of solution apart from numerical computation . 缺少這兩個條件的任何一個所導致的數學問題,除數字計算外沒有一般的求解方法。