
computable adj.能計算的,能算出的。


Secondly , the use of main memory is an important question in the data stream database system . an approach that determines whether a query is computable or not is given in this paper . an algorithm is presented for determining whether or not any given continuous spj query can be evaluated using a bounded amount of memory for all possible instances of the data streams 理論部分:首先提出了一種新的數據流數據模型,對其進行了擴展;其次,內存的使用問題是數據流數據庫系統的一個重要問題,給出了一個判定持續spj查詢能否在有限內存中可計算的方法,并給出了相應的檢查算法。

Since evolution is by now the most powerful problem - solving paradigm we knew , the prospect of the development and application of edm in the future is expectable . two fundamental problems are presented by the application of edm . one is how to design the intended computable models of intelligent decision making rules that are suitable for machine learning , for the decision making problems considered 針對智能決策領域當前面臨的問題,以及進化計算理論和應用所帶來的啟示,本文工作的目標是,面向智能決策應用問題帶來的挑戰,以典型智能決策應用問題求解為牽引,發展通用型進化決策模型以及相關的關鍵性支撐技術、理論和具體應用模型。

Since idm is based on the constructing and computing of computable decision rules , for any idm problem , if the general mathematical model of its decision rules can be constructed , then solving of the intended idm problem is reduced to searching the best parameters for that model . thus ec can be made used of 智能決策通常通過設計滿足目標要求的可計算的決策規則實現,對待求解的決策問題,如果能夠設計出普遍適用的可計算的決策規則模式,則原決策問題就歸結為尋找最佳決策規則參數的優化問題,因而可以用進化計算求解。

Starting with the developing process of database computable environments , the paper deeply studies and analyses the produce and principle of the traditional two - level client / server , three - level client / server and browser / server , the paper makes a full compare of the three structures , too . 2 從數據庫計算環境的發展歷程入手,對傳統的二級client server結構、三級client server結構和browser server結構的產生、原理以及它們相互之間的優缺點都進行了深入的研究和分析; 2

Research indicates that outer disturbances can be described with simple analysis and be estimated by outer atmosphere , and inner disturbances induced by the mechanical motion are also predictable and computable , but the inner disturbances induced by astronautic motion are stochastic and hard to predict 研究表明,外部擾動可以用簡單的分析來描述,并且可以通過外部環境參數來估計,內部機械運動引起的擾動也是可以預測和計算的。而內部由航天員活動引起的擾動,因其本身具有很大的隨機性而難以預計。

After review these models we choose the economic growth accounting model proposed by barro ( 1999 ) to study the economic development problems , green economic accounting proposed by cairns ( 2000 ) and asheim ( 2000 ) to study environmental pollution and nature resource depletion problems , and computable general equilibrium storm model ( 1997 ) to study the equilibrium problems , combine them and then modify to produce new model 第4章的內容是本文的一個重點。首先我們經濟核算模型和綠色gdp核算模型進行了分析。在模型分析的上,我們選擇了barro ( 1999 )提出的經濟增長核算模型作為研究經濟發展的經濟模型,結合選擇了cairns ( 2000 )和asheim ( 2000 )模型作為綠色gdp核算的基礎模型。

Based on the facts mentioned above and my experience working on business cycle and computable general equilibrium modeling , this dissertation selects to study on the insights into financial structure and its relation to the monetary transmission mechanism , in particular , the role of financial structure in the transmission of monetary policy in china 研究金融結構及其與貨幣傳導機制的關系,有助于深化關于中國金融發展模式的思考,改革金融體系、調整金融結構,有助于疏通貨幣傳導機制,改善貨幣政策效率,因此具有重要的政策含義。本論文系統地綜述了國內外關于“金融結構與貨幣傳導機制”相關研究的主要理論成果和研究前沿。

The abstract model provides the spatio - teniporal analysis database system ( stadbs ) with a basis having exact semanteme and distinct concept , while the discrete model is a kind of implementation design , which maps the abstract model into those computable data types in terms of finite sets 抽象模型為時空數據庫管理系統? ? stadbs提供了一個語義精確、概念清晰的基礎,離散模型則是一種實現設計,把基于無限描述的抽象模型映射為可在計算機中處理的數據類型。

Considering the structural stability problem for continuous - time descriptor systems with real convex polytopic uncertainties , an lmi sufficient condition , which is simply and efficiently computable , is established for checking the robust admissibility is proposed , and a special case e = diag ( i , 0 ) is investigated 給出連續時間不確定廣義系統具有多邊形不確性的魯棒容許的el充分條件。同時本文研究了狀態反饋情形和e dw廣, 0 )的特殊情形。

Computer vision and pattern recognition is one of the most important branches in computer science and artificial intelligence field . the mission of computer vision is to study about the computable model of human vision system and to construct practical vision system 計算機視覺與模式識別技術是計算機科學和人工智能研究領域的重要分支,計算機視覺的目的在于研究人類視覺的計算模型,并利用機器來實現視覺專用系統。

When using mda to develop simulation system , the domain concept model and computable concept model which are platform - independent must be described first , then mapping to the specific simulation platform 本論文從概念模型開始,以概念模型驅動仿真系統開發,在這一過程中,主要著重于交互關系的描述。首先描述與平臺無關的領域概念模型和可計算概念模型,然后向特定的仿真平臺進行映射。

According to the actual performance of the market and referring to some methods in coherent market hypothesis , this paper establishes a computable nonlinear statistical method , classified market model , to calculate the var of shanghai composite index 根據市場的實際表現,借鑒協同市場假說的某些方法,建立一種可以實施計算的非線性統計方法?分類市場模型來計算上證綜指的var 。

We calculated the percentage of respondents having completed each item , the percentage of respondents having completed all the items within each scale and the percentage of respondents for whom scale scores were computable 計算每一條目的完成情況,每一維度所有條目全部完成的比例,以及維度分數能被計算的比例。

In this paper , we investigate the constant in romanov ' s theorem . we note that the constant is effective computable , and give an effective constant 在本文中,我們研究了romanov定理中的常數,發現了定理中的常數是可以計算,并且給出了一個具體的常數

For the first step , computable complexity is the bottleneck of the algorithm for the number of frequent itemsets increases with the number of items exponentially 對于第一個問題,算法的復雜性是瓶頸,因為頻繁集的數目和項目的數目成指數增長。

This study constructs a regional computable general equilibrium ( cge ) model of china to analyze the impact of china ' s wto accession on rural income 一篇建立區域可計算一般均衡模型( cge )來分析中國入世對中國農村收入影響的論文,

In this paper a computable general equilibrium ( cge ) model is used to explore the economic impact of population aging in china 在本文中,利用可計算一般均衡模型( cge )來模擬分析人口老齡化對中國社會經濟的影響。

A model of spatial computable general equilibrium analysis and its use in analyzing china agricultural customs tariff policy 中國農業關稅政策的空間性應用一般均衡模型構建及分析

The constraints are computable , but the resources required to check them are beyond the access of the program 限定元素可以計算,但是程序無法訪問檢查它們所需要的資源。