
compurgation n.〔古語〕【法律】根據證人宣誓證實宣布被告無罪。


After compurgation these thinking from the west and the east , we will find there are many sameness and difference between them . chapter focuses on analyzing the environment of chinese public department human resource management and development in the contemporary era , pointing out the shortcomings in practice , furthermore , it argued the civil servant system in china 文章的第二部分分析了當代中國公共部門人力資源的管理與開發環境,從政府在市場經濟條件下轉換職能的角度,評價了當前我國公共部門人力資源管理與開發的現狀,在此基礎上,進一步分析了我國公務員制度中的激勵問題,指出目前激勵的應用現狀及存在的不足。

It first presents the meanings , the legal status , the function and the compurgation between insurance agent and other medium . part 2 : the legislative system in the world 本部分從保險代理人的概念特征,保險代理人與其它中介人的比較,保險代理人的法律地位,保險代理人制度的功能等四個方面出發,探討保險代理人制度的一般理論。

Compurgation was used frequently in manorial courts . 宣誓斷案通常用于采邑法庭。