
compunction n.良心的責備,后悔,懊悔,悔恨。 without (t...


Here again : mr . lorry s inquiries into miss pross s personal history had established the fact that her brother solomon was a heartless scoundrel who had stripped her of everything she possessed , as a stake to speculate with , and had abandoned her in her poverty for evermore , with no touch of compunction 又是同樣的情況:羅瑞先生對普洛絲小姐歷史的調查表明,她的弟弟所羅門是個沒有良心的壞蛋。他把她的一切都搜刮去孤注一擲搞了投機,從此便遺棄了她,讓她永遠過著貧窮的生活,卻一點也不懊悔。

When that hour struck ? and this was how i became aware of how violent my love was ? then , whether i was winning or losing , i would abandon the table without compunction , feeling pity for those i left there who , unlike me , would not find happiness when they came to take their leave 因此,從這里我就看到了我愛情的強烈,不管是贏是輸,我都毫不留戀地離開賭桌,并為那些仍舊留在那里的人感到惋惜,他們是不會像我一樣在離開賭桌的時候帶著幸福的感覺的。

Since time immemorial , warring nations had no compunctions in plundering their enemy ' s national treasures and other symbols of wealth , both as war booty and to demonstrate their power over the defeated 自古以來,在戰爭中獲勝的國家總會肆無忌憚地掠奪戰敗國的國寶和其他財富的象征。掠奪的財物是應得的戰利品,掠奪的行為則是勝者為王的表現。

Several times he prayed to god that the wolf would rush out upon him . he prayed with that feeling of passion and compunction with which men pray in moments of intense emotion due to trivial causes 他好幾次向上帝,祈禱,希望有只豺狼向他走來,他懷著那種強烈而真誠的感情做禱告,正如人們為了小事而極度激動時禱告一樣。

Not so my companion : she ran back in terror , knelt down , and cried , and soothed , and entreated , till he grew quiet from lack of breath : by no means from compunction at distressing her 我的同伴可不這樣想:她恐怖地跑回去,跪下來,又叫,又安慰又哀求,直到他沒了勁,安靜了下來,決不是因為看她難過而懊悔的。

“ i ought to have come with kath “ , she thought ; and felt a slight compunction at having become so wrapped up in bette that she ' d neglected kath “我應該同凱絲一道來” ,她想;覺得這一陣子同蓓蒂混得太多,以致冷落了凱絲,心里有點內疚。

She has had no compunction about dishing out favours to her underlings ? and about threatening punishment for miscreants 她從未有過后悔將這些支持者的名單納入賬本并且逐步領導他們? ?這是因為當他們有對父親的不利行為時以此作為要挾。

But whenever it was possible to send a house - serf for a soldier in place of a peasant , he did so without the smallest compunction 只有在可以用家奴代替農民去當兵的時候,他就會毫不猶豫地派家奴去當兵。

At roma he had no compunction over fielding a three - man attack because he had excellent forwards 在執教羅馬隊的時候他使用三前鋒的陣型,因為他手下有出色的鋒線球員。

Mr linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear . he told me to fetch some water 林敦先生剎那間感到既悔恨又恐懼,站在那兒望著她,吩咐我去拿點水來。

He kept me waiting for half an hour without the slightest compunction 他讓我等了半小時,卻沒有一點點良心不安。

She stood me up without compunction 她沒有良心不安讓我空等。

I have little compunction in doing it 做這事我沒有一點點良心不安。

She had no compunction about telling him a lie 她對于跟他說了謊并沒有良心不安。

“i ought to have come with kath“, she thought; and felt a slight compunction at having become so wrapped up in bette that she'd neglected kath . “我應該同凱絲一道來”,她想;覺得這一陣子同蓓蒂混得太多,以致冷落了凱絲,心里有點內疚。

Margaret has never had any compunction about wearing other people's belongings, or indeed lending her own . 瑪格麗特從不在乎穿、戴他人的衣服或首飾,也不在乎把自己的衣服借給別人。

I might feel a trifle of compunction if i had to deal with a president of the united states . 要是我不得不和一位美國總統打交道的話,我可能會感到有點內疚。

On the night of their return, he went to bed full of compunction . 抵家的那天晚上,他睡覺時充滿了內疚。

She kept me waiting without the slightest compunction . 她使我久候而絲毫沒有歉意。