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compulsory measures 強迫手段。

compulsory service

Author thinks that voluntary surrender to justice about unspotted crime also concludes two conditions . one is that the subject must be the suspect controlled in the compulsory measure , thei accused , or the criminal in prison . the other is that what sub - ject truly confesses must be other crimes that the authorities do not probe before 準自首成立的兩個條件是:其一,主體必須是被采取強制措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或是正在服刑的罪犯;其二,必須如實供述司法機關尚未掌握的本人其他罪行。

This text adopts the compass of competency accepting the case to the procuratorial organ directly , analysis of the relevant problem that application and investigation of placing on file , investigating methods , compulsory measure end , etc . combine the investigating practice of procuratorial work , has done the corresponding introduction to the workflow of investigating , and has analysed about more questions of some puzzled and disputes that met in practice 本文通過對檢察機關直接受理案件的管轄范圍、立案、偵查方法、強制措施的運用以及偵查終結等相關問題的探析,結合工作實踐,對檢察機關自偵工作流程作了相應的介紹,并對實踐中所遇到的一些困惑和爭議較多的問題進行了分析。

Administrative obligation is defined in many ways . comparatively speaking . i am in favor of mr . zhou yong kun ' s idea : administrative obligation is the punishment , compulsory measures or necessary compensation imposed by a state on the conductors ) , or the relevant perms ( s ) , or the one ( s ) related with damage acts or damage items ; owing to violating the duty or the responsibility stipulated in a law or a contract , misusing one ' s authority and heights or miscomputing one ' s responsibility 法律責任的定義也頗多,我比較贊同周永坤先生的說法:法律責任是由于產生了違反法定義務及契約義務或不當行使權力和權利、不當履行義務的思想和行為,國家迫使行為人或其關系人或與損害行為、致損物體有利害關系的人所處的制裁、強制和給予補救的必然狀態,這種狀態有法律規定。

From the author ’ s point of view , the root of aforesaid problems lies in the similarity of the rules of liquidation organized by a court with the rules of liquidation committed by a company on voluntary basis as a result from the court ’ s lack of necessary compulsory measures and system guarantee , and in the missing of the system of special liquidation of companies 作者認為上述問題的根源在于法院缺乏必要的強制措施和制度保障而造成的法院組織清算規則與公司自愿清算規則的類同化,在于公司特別清算制度的缺失。應當對域外特別清算制度展開深入研究,在借鑒的基礎上加以符合國情的改造,盡快建立具有我國特色的實用的公司特別清算制度。

The local people ' s government at or above the county level shall organize departments and units concerned without delay to take compulsory measures for control and extermination of the animal epidemic such as isolation , massacre , destruction , disinfection and emergency immunization vaccination to exterminate the epidemic disease promptly , and shall inform the neighboring areas of the case 縣級以上地方人民政府應當立即組織有關部門和單位采取隔離、撲殺、銷毀、消毒、緊急免疫接種等強制性控制、撲滅措施,迅速撲滅疫病,并通報毗鄰地區。

For example , the procuratorial jurisdiction to investigate into official crimes is strictly restrained , the procuratorial authority is incomplete , and the reporting system to take compulsory measures to deputies to the national people ’ s congress is unperfected . the second is that the present double - leadership system limits the investigation authority to be practiced independently and legally . third , the working procedures of the national procuratorial system , such as the irrational setup of organizations , the lack of talented investigators and material supplies , restrict the healthy development of the investigations into official crimes 一是現有法律規范不完善,包括檢察機關職務犯罪偵查的管轄范圍過窄、檢察機關偵查權的不完整、對人大代表采取強制措的報告制度不完善等;二是檢察機關現行的雙層領導體制制約了職務犯罪偵查權的依法獨立行使;三是全國檢察系統的偵查工作機制限制了職務犯罪偵查工作的健康發展,如:機構設置不合理、偵查人才和物質保障不力等等;四是檢察機關偵查權行使的不規范現象給檢察機關的職務犯罪偵查工作帶來了一些負面影響。

Article 31 where a people ' s court , in the course of a civil or administrative procedure , illegally undertakes compulsory measures against impairment of action , preservative measures or wrongfully executes the judgment or award or other legal effective documents and which causes damages , the procedure for the claim of compensation by the claimant shall apply to the provisions of this law concerning the procedures of criminal compensation 第三十一條人民法院在民事訴訟、行政訴訟過程中,違法采取對妨害訴訟的強制措施、保全措施或者對判決、裁定及其他生效法律文書執行錯誤,造成損害的,賠償請求人要求賠償的程序,適用本法刑事賠償程序的規定。

Article 31 if a people ' s court , in violation of the law , adopts in civil or administrative proceedings compulsory measures or preservative measures in impairment of the proceedings , or wrongly utes a judgment or a ruling or other effective legal documents , thereby resulting in damage being done , the criminal compensation procedures of this law shall be applicable to the procedure for making claims for compensation by the claimant 第三十一條人民法院在民事訴訟、行政訴訟過程中,違法采取對妨害訴訟的強制措施、保全措施或者對判決、裁定及其他生效法律文書執行錯誤,造成損害的,賠償請求人要求賠償的程序,適用本法刑事賠償程序的規定。

Firstly , with regard to the term “ clearly knowing the man who is innocent hut letting him be prosecuted “ refers to registering and investigating someone , adopting criminal compulsory measures for him even initiating a public prosecution without or shortage of any facts or evidence in order to reach the goal to investigate his criminal responsibility 首先,關于“對明知是無罪的人而使他受追訴” ,是指在沒有或缺少事實和證據的基礎上對無罪的人進行立案偵查、采取刑事強制措施、提起公訴以及進行審判等,以達到追究其刑事責任的目的。

This text analyses these questions about the compulsory measure stipulating in our country ' s “ criminal procedural law “ , such as : its nature question , suitable condition and subjects of applicant , and it also has proposed perfecting and recognizing some suggestions of the system 摘要本文對我國《刑事訴訟法》中規定的取保候審強制措施的性質問題,及適用條件、申請人的主體資格、取保候審的期限等方面存在的不足進行了分析,并提出了完善取保候審制度的幾點建議。

Investigation action refers to different special surveys and compulsory measures which are made to collect and find evidences and save the suspects by the investigation organs . different investigation actions bind from beginning to end , and form a complete investigation procedure 偵查行為指偵查機關為收集、發現證據和保全犯罪嫌疑人而進行的各種專門調查活動和強制措施,不同的偵查行為前后聯結,形成一個完整的偵查程序。

Article 96 after the criminal suspect is interrogated by an investigation organ for the first time or from the day on which compulsory measures are adopted against him , he may appoint a lawyer to provide him with legal advice and to file petitions and complaints on his behalf 第九十六條犯罪嫌疑人在被偵查機關第一次訊問后或者采取強制措施之日起,可以聘請律師為其提供法律咨詢、代理申訴、控告。

To define the compulsive measure ' s meaning correctly , and study its function and quality in criminal action have the leading meaning theoretically and practically in understanding and mastering the compulsory measure correctly and comprehensively 摘要正確界定強制措施的含義,并探求其在刑事訴訟中的功能、性質所在,對人們正確、全面地認識和把握強制措施,在理論和實踐中都具有指導意義。

In order to guarantee the proper use of the compulsory measure of arrest and to prevent infringement of the right of innocent people , the constitution and the law vest procuratorial organs with the authority of investigation and approval before any arrest is made 為了保證逮捕這種強制措施的正確運用,使無辜者不受侵害,憲法和法律把審查批準逮捕人犯的職權賦予檢察機關。

Our current system of compulsory measures is lack of effective judicial control on the process design , so that in the applicable process it reveals many defects such as the weakness of restrain power , inadequate protection of the rights 摘要我國現行強制措施制度由于在程序設計上缺乏有效的司法控制,使其在適用的過程中顯現出權力制約乏力、權利保障不足等諸多方面的弊端。

In cases where the taxpayers or guarantors fail to pay duties after three months upon the expiration of the duty payment period , the customs may , in line with the provisions of article 60 of the customs law , adopt compulsory measures 納稅義務人、擔保人自繳納稅款期限屆滿之日起超過3個月仍未繳納稅款的,海關可以按照《海關法》第六十條的規定采取強制措施。

To solve the problem of high rate of custody in criminal action , the thesis gives speculation to perfect the system of criminal compulsory measure and suggestion to mechanism of procuratorial work 摘要針對刑事訴訟中羈押率高的現狀,以減少羈押為目標對刑事強制措施體系完善進行了可行性構想,對改革和改善檢察工作機制提出了意見和建議。

The proceedings though which the judicial committee of compensation make the final decisions are unfair . finally , the court has no power to take compulsory measures to execute the legally effective compensation decisions 這些立法上的不足與缺陷導致司法實務中出現了國家賠償案件確認難、申訴難、立案難、審理和執行難。

Through the comparision with german compulsory measure , this artide analyzes the meaning 、 function and role , and hopes to study its nature from the angles of power and function 文章通過對德國強制措施的比較研究,來分析強制措施的含義、功能和作用,從權利和功能兩個角度探求其性質,希冀能挖掘其本質所在。