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compulsory execution 強迫執行。

compulsory measures

“ the execution of civil procedural law also is named as the forced execution is the activities of law and procedure that the enforcement body compels the parties who refuse to perform their obligations to fulfill their duties and realizes the content of effective documents of law by taking the measures of compulsory execution . all of these rights of enforcement body comes from the public power of country and also is based on the effective documents of civil law . ” the importance of civil procedural law is when the debtor refuses to fulfill the duty , if there isn ’ t a compulsory mechanism to force the debtor to fulfill the duty , the legal document will mean nothing “民事執行也稱強制執行,是執行機構以生效民事法律文書為依據,依法運用國家公權力,采取強制性的執行措施,迫使拒不履行義務的當事人履行義務,實現生效法律文書內容的法律活動與程序”民事執行程序重要性最為直觀的體現是,當債務人拒絕履行義務時,如果沒有一種強制性的機制迫使債務人履行義務,法律文書就是一紙空文。

Article 32 a party who refuses to accept the decision of the administrative sanction may , within 15 days after receipt of the notification of the decision , file suit in a people ' s court . if within that time limit the party does not file suit or comply with the penalty of paying a fine and having his unlawful income confiscated , the administrative authorities which have made the decision of the administrative sanction may request the people ' s court for compulsory execution 第三十二條當事人對行政處罰決定不服的,可以在接到處罰通知之日起十五日內向人民法院起訴;對罰款、沒收違法所得的行政處罰決定期滿不起訴又不履行的,由作出行政處罰決定的機關申請人民法院強制執行。

The administration compulsory execution power unifies the lawmaking has become the realistic demand . the front executes forcibly the theories research of the power to the administration to concentrates primarily allotment in power mode with procedure norm two aspects that execute forcibly measure powercan . butexecute forcibly the power concept to the administrationto study with the movement process of that power not enough , on theconcept usage inconsistent , and neglected to execute forcibly thewhole research in proceeding in power to the administration 行政強制執行權方面的統一立法已成為現實的需要。當前對行政強制執行權的理論研究主要集中在權力的分配模式和強制執行措施權能的程序規范兩個方面。但對行政強制執行權概念和該權力的運行過程研究不夠,概念使用上不一致,并忽視了對行政強制執行權進行整體性的研究。

Developed and effective rules and mechanisms on property ascertaining responsibilities have already existed and play important roles in some countries and areas . based on china actual circumstances , this paper is to analyze the balanced order and model of allocating the responsibilities of ascertaining properties to be executed , which realize the efficient combination of relief by public force by compulsory execution and private rights of parties 許多國家與地區有一整套完善有效的查明機制在發揮積極作用,本文通過比較研究不同國家與地區的成熟經驗,試結合我國現狀,探索民事執行財產查明責任合理分配、動態均衡模式,實現民事強制執行公力救濟性質與民事私權自治性質的有機結合。

Through comparing these two forms of payment and by analyzing the compulsory execution in such payment in the west , the paper points out that the compulsory measures in the government payment in china are very weak and , accordingly , the applying rights and the power of government compulsory execution should be enlarged 本文通過對這兩種給付的比較,以及對西方社會中對國家所負公法上金錢給付義務的強制執行的研究,指出我國對國家所負的行政法上金錢給付義務執行的極端軟弱性,因而建議擴大公民的法律請求權和有關國家機關的強制執行權。

This text with administration litigation method an esse for designating as foundation to generalizing administration compulsoryexecution power concept , thinking administration executing forcibly power with exercise and is a process , administrationcompulsory execution power corpus of two dollars is some powers to point in the applicant ' s people court compulsory execution , administration organization is all experienced with court of the people to make administration compulsory execution power inside primarily can . see from the whole , administration 本文以行政訴訟法第65條、第66條的規定為基礎來概括行政強制執行權概念,認為行政強制執行權的存在和行使是一個過程,行政強制執行權主體的二元性主要是指在申請人民法院強制執行中,行政機關與人民法院都在行使行政強制執行權中的某些權能。從整體上看,行政強制執行權是行政權,但是,該權力的運行存在告誡、申請、審查、決定、實施等五個階段。

The effect of execution means that when a created mediation embodies performance of one party to the other and when the party does n ' t “ perform his obligations by the mediation paper , the other party is entitled to apply to the court for compulsory execution under the name of the created mediation 執行力:當成立之調解關系以當事人之一方應向他方給付為調解內容,而當事人不依調解條項履行時,通過說認為他方得以成立之調解為執行名義,申請法院強制執行。

Article 25 except as otherwise approved by the competent authority , no mortgage shall be created over the fishery right in the preceding article , nor shall such right be transferred unless the transfer otherwise arises out of a compulsory execution and the approval of the competent authority has been duly obtained 第25條(定置漁業權及區劃漁業權處分之限制(二) )前條漁業權,非經主管機關核準,不得設定抵押;除強制執行外,非經主管機關核準,不得讓與。

From the inner concord of the contract law bankruptcy law and the “ rule of prior rights “ be operated under the idea of compulsory execution in pursuit of them this article discusses in details from equity solvency the base of subrogation and the needs of reality 在先簡要梳理了“入庫規則”后,重點進入到了探討“入庫規則”的悖離與重建。在探討“入庫規則”的悖離上,先論述了其現象,然后從理論上探討了其原因

If the said party neither files a request for reconsideration nor files a suit in a people ' s court , nor complies with the punishment within the time limit , the authority that made the decision of punishment shall apply to the people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人逾期不申請復議或者不向人民法院起訴又不履行處罰決定的,由作出處罰決定的機關申請人民法院強制執行。

Those for safeguarding human health and ensuring the safety of the person and of property and those for compulsory execution as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and regulations shall be compulsory standards , the others shall be voluntary standards 保障人體健康,人身、財產安全的標準,和法律、行政法規所規定強制執行的標準是強制性標準,其他是推薦性的” 。

If the party neither applies for reconsideration within the time limit , nor brings a suit in a people ' s court , nor complies with the decision on punishment , the organ that has made the decision on punishment may apply to a people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人逾期不申請復議也不向人民法院起訴,又不履行處罰決定的,作出處罰決定的機關可以申請人民法院強制執行。

If the party concerned within the time limit has neither applied for reconsideration nor brought a suit before a people ' s court , nor complied with the decision on sanction , the organ making the decision may apply to the people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人逾期不申請復議,也不向人民法院起訴,又不履行處罰決定的,作出處罰決定的機關可以申請人民法院強制執行。

If a party neither applies for reconsideration nor brings a suit before a people ' s court within the prescribed time nor complies with the punishment decision , the office that made the punishment decision shall apply to a people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人逾期不申請復議或者不向人民法院起訴又不履行處罰決定的,由作出處罰決定的機關申請人民法院強制執行。

If a party neither applies for reconsideration , nor brings a suit in a people ' s court within the time limit , nor execute the decision on administrative punishment , the organ that has made the decision may apply to a people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人逾期不申請復議也不向人民法院起訴,又不履行處罰決定的,作出處罰決定的機關可以申請人民法院強制執行。

If a party neither applies for reconsideration , nor brings a suit in a people ' s court within the time limit , nor complies with the decision on sanctions , the organ that has made the decision may apply to a people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人逾期不申請復議也不向人民法院起訴、又不履行處罰決定的,作出處罰決定的機關可以申請人民法院強制執行。

If , within the said time limit , such proceedings are not instituted and the order is not complied with , the administrative authority for patent affairs may approach the people ' s court for compulsory execution 侵權人期滿不起訴又不停止侵權行為的,管理專利工作的部門可以申請人民法院強制執行。

It is an important issue within the research field of legal reform of compulsory execution law that how to the balance the property ascertaining responsibilities of parties and people ’ s court 如何平衡執行當事人與法院三方的查明責任范圍,是民事執行財產查明制度立法改革的關注重點。

Where a party does not perform the award of the arbitration agency within the prescribed time limit , the other party may apply to a people ' s court for compulsory execution 當事人一方在規定的期限內不履行仲裁機構的仲裁決定的,另一方可以申請人民法院強制執行。