
compulsory adj.強迫的,強制的;義務的;必修的。

compulsory contribution

Schools should not make classroom attendance compulsory 學校不應強迫學生到教室上課。

Micro - economic analysis of compulsory requisition of land 我國農地征用制度的博弈分析

China implements nine - year compulsory education 中國實行九年制義務教育。

Is military service compulsory in your country 你們國家實行義務兵役制嗎?

China performs on nine - year compulsory education 中國實行九年制義務教育。

China implementes nine - year compulsory education 中國實行九年制義務教育。

Higher education is not compulsory education any more 高等教育已不再是義務教育了。

Comparative study on china - germany compulsory measures 中德強制措施比較研究

Schools should not make classroom attendance compulsory 學校不應該使出勤成為必修。

China carries out nine - year compulsory education 中國實行九年制義務教育。

Search for bankruptcy compulsory winding - up records 網上查閱破產案強制性清盤案記錄

Job search and interpersonal skills training compulsory 求職及人際技巧訓練(

Every one must receive9 years of compulsory education 每人必須接受九年的義務教育。

Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education 每人必須接受九年的義務教育

Schools should not make classroom attendance compulsory 學校強制學生出勤是錯誤的。

The primary education is compulsory in our country 初級教育在我們國家是義務教育。

To improve the balanced development of compulsory education 要促進義務教育均衡發展

Compulsory military service should be abolished everywhere 強制服兵役應取消處處

On rights protection in compulsory execution procedure 執行乃法律之終局及果實