
compulsorily adv.強迫,強制。


Our country has also experienced the vicissitude from compulsorily to voluntary earnings forecast disclosure institution , therefore this article study on the reliability of ipo earnings forecast information that bases on institutions vicissitude and do some exploration about most suitable information disclosure institution in china . the paper primarily includes the following contents . firstly , the paper introduces the studying backgrounds abroad and home 我國在盈利預測信息披露制度上也經歷了從強制性到自愿性的變遷,所以本文立足于披露制度的變遷,通過對我國在這兩種披露制度下ipo公司盈利預測信息可靠性的實證研究,探索最適合我國現階段發展的盈利預測信息披露制度,希望能為該領域的研究提供可借鑒之處。

Legal system of information disclosure of commercial banks is a system in which minimum legal requirements concerning the form , time and contents of the banking information disclosure are stipulated compulsorily in relevant laws and regulations and in which institutions of financial supervision are authorized to supervise the enforcement of these provisions 商業銀行信息披露法律制度則是指銀行信息公開的形式、時間、內容、責任機制等均由相關法律法規加以最低法定要求的強制性規定并授予金融監管機構相應監督權的一項法律制度。

However , in the current civil legislations of our country there are serious drawbacks of paternity system , neither concept of paternity , nor specific and definite provisions on parents “ rights and obligations to under - aged children , but compulsorily adopt content of paternity into guardianship system , and content is abstract and obscure lacking of operation - ability 但我國目前的民事立法中的親權制度存在嚴重的缺陷,既無親權概念,也無父母對未成年子女的權利義務的具體明確規定,而是將親權的內容強行納入監護制度中,且內容抽象、模糊,缺乏操作性。

Under the employees compensation ordinance and the common law , the employer is liable to pay compensation for the domestic helper s injury or death by accident arising out of and in the course of employment . employers are also compulsorily required , under the employees compensation ordinance , to have a valid insurance policy for the domestic helper to cover all their liabilities for compensation 根據《雇員補償條例》及普通法,雇主需要對家務助理因工受傷或死亡作出賠償,而法例亦強制雇主為按照《雇員補償條例》所規定的所有賠償責任而持有有效的工傷補償保險單。

Article 69 for those who violate the provisions of article 53 of this law by constructing building or other constructional structures , planting vegetation , or placing objects , which endanger the safety of power facilities in a power facility protection area demarcated according to law , the local people ' s government shall order them compulsorily to dismantle the construction , chop the vegetation , or eliminate the objects 第六十九條違反本法第五十三條規定,在依法劃定的電力設施保護區內修建建筑物、構筑物或者種植植物、堆放物品,危及電力設施安全的,由當地人民政府責令強制拆除、砍伐或者清除。

More and more factors display function on information reliability . meanwhile , it ’ s necessary to establish the compulsorily forecast disclosure institution which takes the good faith as the core , standard facilitating agency and strengthens the supervising and managing measure to promote the development of forecast disclosure institution in china 研究結果表明,在兩種信息披露制度下我國盈利預測信息的可靠性都不高,對主營業務收入和成本的預測準確性是決定可靠性影響最大的因素,制度變化引起對盈利預測可靠性的影響因素由比較單一變的更為多元。

This paper analyzes the legal position of china ' s public universities , the contents , objects , nature , and value target of the right , and concludes that it is an administrative power exercised by the universities with legal reasons and through legal procedures to compulsorily restrict or influence the right of receiving education of their students who have violated either the national laws or regulations , or the university disciplines or regulations , so as to maintain the normal order for education and teaching and fulfill the duties and goals bestowed by the state 通過對公立高校的法律地位,處分權的內容、對象、性質和價值目標等方面的學理分析,認為公立高校的處分權是指公立高校為了維持正常的教育教學秩序,以實現國家賦予的高等教育職能和目標,根據法定事由和法定程序強制性限制或影響違反國家法律、法規和校紀校規的本校學生的受教育權的一種行政權。

The chinese government enforces a family planning program that allows only one child , either son or daughter , for each family . wang is the third daughter of a farming household , and was thus deprived of legal status under chinese law . she was denied educational subsidies , her father was fined , and her mother was sterilized compulsorily 王姓少女是這件中國難民的新聞主角,因為在中國的計畫生育下,一個家庭只能有一個子或女,而王出生于鄉下農家身為三女,在中國政府的規定下,沒正式身份,無法光明正大得到教育補助,父親被罰款,母親被迫結扎。

In implementing by self , the reputation mechanism plays the principal role . while in implementing by the third private party , the third party mainly refers to the intermediary organs in market . and in implementing compulsorily , the compulsory force mainly comes from the law system 在自我履約中,信譽機制發揮了最基本的作用;在第三方私人履約中,契約私人裁決的第三方主要是指市場中介組織;而在強制性履約中,契約履行的強制力則主要來自于法律制度。

For putting duty to practice , to those who does n ' t take his duty compulsorily or hold fully responsibility by civil compensation , use the standard of british and american business judgment at the same time , balance those benefit and duty , encourage them to manage and determine 為了使義務得以落實,對故意、嚴重過失地未盡善管義務的董事科以民事賠償責任,同時引進英美的商業判斷準則,均衡董事的利益和責任,鼓勵董事善于管理、敢于決策。

The author thinks in our society , people values doesn ' t compulsorily control by religion , school education also doesn ' t do it work in the course of the sense of social responsibility ' s construction 作者認為在現今的中國社會,人們的價值觀沒有受到宗教的強制約束,學校教育在建構社會責任感的過程中應當但沒有發揮應有的作用,政治教育對于提高社會責任感顯示出積極的正面影響。

From the compares on of the four countries , we can draw a conclusion that nation , party and all kinds of pressure bloc lead and govern the news transmitting compulsorily and effectively , wherever it is and whenever it is 通過對四國新聞傳播調控的比較可以看出,無分中西,不論古今,國家、政黨、各種壓力集團,都對新聞傳播行為進行著強制性管理和有效引導。

Secondly , this text has a discussion with the premise of the real estate management corporation ’ s undertaken responsibility caused by the third people , which is the breach to the compulsorily of the safety guarantee 針對基于第三人的不法侵害造成業主的人身、財產損失問題,本文論證了物業公司對第三人侵害業主責任承擔的前提即安全保障義務的違反。

At present , investor protection theories mainly emphasize the influence of legal system . however , as a way to implement the contract compulsorily , the law is important , but it protects minority investors incompletely 當前對于投資者保護理論的研究主要強調了法律制度的影響,然而法律作為一種強制履約方式,其對投資者的保護雖然重要,但并不完全。

In lack of compulsorily applicable international convention , this thesis aims to discuss the liability system adopted by prevailing multimodal transport documents , and the contents of carriers ' liability 因目前尚無生效之國際公約來管轄復合運送,故本論文針對現行復合運送載貨證券所采取之責任制,探討復合運送人之責任內容。

Private hospitals and clinics were suddenly confronted with the problem of unavailability of ec insurance cover for their staff which they are compulsorily required to obtain under the employees compensation ordinance 私家醫院及診所突然面對無法為其雇員購買《雇員補償條例》所規定的雇員補償保險的難題。

Where the decision has not been complied with within the time limit and no action has been brought , the people ' s court shall compulsorily enforce compliance upon application by the organ which made the decision 對處罰決定不履行逾期又不起訴的,由作出行政處罰決定的機關申請人民法院強制執行。

A perfect system of implementing contract contains three levels : implementing by self , implementing by the third private party and implementing compulsorily 而一個完善的履約體系包含了自我履約、第三方私人履約和強制性履約三個層次。

The housing accumulation fund , as a long - term reserved fund , should be compulsorily paid by both employees and employing units 摘要住房公積金是單位和職工必須繳納的長期住房儲備金,具有保障性、強制性、專屬性、互助性的特點。