
compulsion n.1.強迫,強制。2.打動人的力量。3.【心理學】難抗...


“ the law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect 他說, “法律明確說明在強制或神智不清的情況下做出的任何行為都是無效的。

But many petty - bourgeois elements had joined them under compulsion or had been duped into joining 但是,這兩個組織中有許多小資產階級分子是被迫或者被騙加入的。

Compulsion : the power forces the subject to act in some manner or changes the way her mind works 脅迫:這種異能強制目標按某種方式行動或改變他思想的運作方式。

This isn ' t life , mademoiselle . your compulsion prevents you from seeing the difference 這與生命無關,小姐。這是生意。你的沖動妨礙了你辨明這兩者之間的差異。

She receives a + 4 competence bonus on saving throws against all compulsions and mind - affecting effects 他在對抗任何脅迫和影響心靈效果的豁免上有+ 4能力加值。

Scrape for compulsion of institutional transitions an analysis of the low efficiency of university governance in china 對中國大學治理結構低效率的制度解讀

“ the law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of has no effect 他說, “法律明確說明在強制或神智不清的情況下做出的任何行為都是無效的。

Pierre : touche . so then , why don ' t we see whose compulsion gets them the next piece 皮埃爾:說得好。那么我們就看看到底誰的沖動能為他取得下一個司祭盎吧。

Touch . so then , why don ' t we see whose compulsion gets them the next piece 說到點子上了。既然如此,我們何不比比誰的沖動能幫助他贏得第二塊碎片呢?

She had to be at the lane - end at eight . always , always , always this compulsion on one 八點鐘她便得到小咱的盡頭去,老是,老是,老是這不容人的世事!

The handle advertisement , compared with the traditional media , has the strong visual compulsion 拉手廣告相比傳統媒體而言,它具有極強的視覺強迫性。

How does feuerbach analyze his “ theory of psychological compulsion ” with the logical arguments 費爾巴哈又是如何對“心理強制說”展開邏輯論證的

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give . not reluctantly or under compulsion 各人要隨本心所酌定的,不要作難,不要勉強。

You are under no compulsion to tell me , but it will be better for you if you do 我沒有強迫性的逼你非告訴我不可,不過你說了對你有好處。

Westerners exhibit a raging compulsion to gain this particular information 西方人為了弄明白這樣一個細節往往表現出一種按捺不住的沖動。

Make a mental frame around that image of you with the relatively new positive compulsion 為那個有新的積極沖動的你的圖像加一個鏡框。

That s phenomenal ! yes , we are driven by the compulsion to be connected 我們被渴望連結的需要推動著,希望感到自己跟其他人有連結著,

I think it has to do with a compulsion many traders feel to have to trade 我覺得與強迫有關,許多交易員感覺不得不交易。

It ' s more like a compulsion 更象是被迫的