
comptroller n.審計員[官],主計員。


Any agency of the united states government making funds available to the institute in accordance with this act shall make arrangements with the institute for the comptroller general of the united states to have access to the ; books and records of the institute and the opportunity to audit the operations of the institute 依本法律提供經費給該協會的美國政府各部門,應和該協會達成安排,讓美國政府主計長得查閱該協會的帳冊記錄,并有機會查核該協會經費動用情形。

The act became effective on 9 may 2004 and a five member selection committee was formed by the government on the same day . the committee comprised : a supreme court appellate division judge , a high court division judge , chairman , public service commission , comptroller and auditor general and the last retired cabinet secretary 有關法令于2004年5月9日生效,政府亦在同日成立一個五人遴選委員會,成員包括: ( 1 )最高法院上訴法庭法官、 ( 2 )高等法院法官、 ( 3 )公務員用委員會主席、 ( 4 )總審計及核數長,和( 5 )上屆內閣部長。

Participation on the u . s . side included representatives from the treasury , federal reserve board , council of economic advisers , office of the comptroller of the currency , commodity futures trading commission , securities and exchange commission , and the department of state 美方與會人員包括來自財政部、聯邦儲備委員會、經濟顧問委員會、貨幣管理局、商品期貨交易委員會、證券與交易委員會以及國務院的代表。

An audit conducted by the office of the new york state comptroller found that erie county is adequately performingservice referrals for public assistance recipients who are self identified as domestic violence victims 由紐約國家審計事務所進行的一項審計表明, erie縣正充分地為公眾幫助對象進行服務查詢,這些對象自定義為國內暴力受害者

15 i found the comptroller ' s office easily ; there was a messenger in the hall directing visitors . an open door , a room , two typewriters clattering and two women making them clatter 我沒費周折就找到了審計主任的辦公室;廳里有個當差的給來訪者作指點。一扇開著的門,一間屋子,屋里兩臺咔嗒作響的打字機,兩位女士咔嗒咔嗒在打字。

Funb is headquartered in charlotte , north carolina , with more than 2 , 000 branches in the us , and is now under the supervision of office of the comptroller of the currency Funb的總部設于北卡羅來納州夏洛特,在美國擁有二千多家分行,現時由貨幣監理署監管。

19 the office had two other doors besides the one to the corridor , on one was “ comptroller . “ that was the one she went through and returned from 除了通走廊的門,辦公室另外還有兩扇門,一扇門上寫著“審計主任” 。她從這扇門走了進去,一會兒又走出來。

19 the office had two other doors besides the one to the corridor , on one was “ comptroller . “ that was the one she went through and returned from 除了通走廊的門,辦公室另外還有兩扇門,一扇門上寫著“審計主任” 。她從這扇門走了進去,一會兒又走出來。

In addition , the consent of the assembly must be sought for important appointments which are made by the governor , such as those of the vice governor and the comptroller general 此外,知事任命副知事和出納長等重要人員時,必須征得議會同意。

To assist the governor in dealing with the affairs delegated to his authority , vice governors , a comptroller general and other staff members are provided -輔助機關副知事出納長以及其他職員協助知事行使其職權處理各項事務。

He spent three years in canada from 1982 to 1985 , where he worked as the chief accountant and comptroller in the overseas bank of canada 1982至1985年期間,他在加拿大的海外加拿大銀行出任總會計師。

Prior to joining the board of governors , mr ryback held various positions at the us office of the comptroller of the currency 韋柏康先生在加入聯儲局前,曾于美國貨幣監理專員辦公室任職不同崗位。

Example : the company ' s comptroller was a highly experienced accountant who reported directly to the vice president of finance 該公司的總會計師是一位經驗非常豐富的會計,他直接向財務副總裁匯報。

Already , martin had gone through a brief rehearsal , guided by the comptroller of the household , a colonel in dress uniform 馬丁已經在皇家審計員- -一名身著盛裝的上校帶領下,預演過一次了。

New york already spends more on education than it does on medicaid ; the state ' s comptroller has warned of future budget gaps 紐約州的相關監管者已經對未來可能發生的預算缺口發出警告了。

Comptroller of currency 通貨監理官

Comptroller of the treasury 美國庫監督

U . s . office of the comptroller of the currency list of unauthorised banks 美國通貨監理署未被授權的銀行名單

Tried the state comptroller ' s office , 我找了州主計局,