
compton n.1.康普頓(姓氏)。2.A.H. Compton 康...


1942 the world ? s first nuclear chain reaction took place at the university of chicago , under physicists enrico fermi and arthur compton 物理學家恩里科?費米和阿瑟?康普頓在芝加哥大學進行了世界第一次原子彈核連鎖反應。

Measurements of compton recoil electron spectra caused by the gamma ray are detected by a nominal 5 . 08cm - diam 5 . 08cm - long bc - 501a scintillator detector Bc - 501a液體閃爍探測器用于測量射線產生的康普頓反沖電子譜。

Collective radiation spectra of the resonant inverse compton scattering of the assembly of relativistic electrons in a variable magnetic field 變化磁場中相對論電子系集體的共振逆康普頓散射譜

Prompt - - coincidence studies were performed with the gammasphere detector array consisting of 102 compton - suppressed ge detectors Gammasphere探測器陣列由102個反康高純鍺探測器組成。

See i never take a step on a compton block or la without the ak ready to pop . cause them punk muthafuckas in black and white 不想你從離別落寞地在風里蕩去無言呆坐破曉里流

Affinity , which owns 20 single - family houses in compton , is already making plans for similar clean - up events 在康普頓擁有20處單身公寓,已經著手計劃進行類似的清潔工作。

So simply do we express the dispersion effect by deflection of space - time and get the same formula as compton s 將光子間的碰撞用理論公式描述這一過程,并得到了上述公式

This thesis first stduies electron density imaging based on compton scattering energy spectral data 本文從康普頓散射的能譜出發,研究物質電子密度圖像的重建問題。

First , the thesis discusses compton scattering energy spectral data simulation using monte carlo method 首先,本文討論了康普頓散射能譜的蒙特卡羅模擬方法。

The gamma - ray leakage energy spectra s are resolved from the compton electron recoil spectra 測量得到的康普頓反沖電子譜通過解逆矩陣得到射線能譜s 。

Compton back - scattering is a new type of non - destructive inspection technology 康普頓背散射( comptonback - scattering )技術是一種新型的無損檢測技術。

2 . 1 compton effect 康普頓效應

Private compton say 士兵康普頓

Compton cross section 康普頓截面

Then formula is the compton math model of dispersed x - ray and the deflective angle 式2 - 2即為散射的x射線康普頓公式,時空偏角

Inverse compton limit 逆康普頓極限

In compton , graduated ' 95 畢業于1995年

Good - bye , uncle compton 再見,坎普頓叔叔

And for a compton pastry chef 作為一個廚師