
compromise n.1.妥協,調和,和解,互讓了結,私下了結 (betw...


I compromise by using a prepared text and deviating from it whenever i feel the need . 我搞折衷辦法,準備一份講稿,覺得需要的時候就自由發揮。

To minimize computer requirements, system frequency response is often compromised . 為了盡量減少計算機的工作量,需要分析系統的頻率響應特性。

In 1969, a temporary compromise emerged that in effect papered over the dispute . 1969年,出現了暫時的妥協,實際上把這個爭端掩蓋了起來。

Arthur and i began to wander if, perhaps, lonsdale realized his pads were compromised . 阿瑟和我開始懷疑朗斯代爾也許知道密碼本已被破獲。

If she is so perfectly determined to compromise herself, the sooner one knows it the better . 如果她自甘落后,我們還是早點知道的好。

He would compromise and forget his wrath, and make his peace with the frenchman . 他需要消除和忘記自己的憤怒,跟那個法國人和解。

The optimum-frequency band is usually a compromise between these two opposing factors . 最佳頻帶通常選擇在這兩個相對的因素之間。

He certainly would be willing to surround her with little offices of compromising kindness . 他將愿意用仁慈的讓步對她略加照料。

Our attempt to deal with this conflict has resulted in something of a compromise . 我們在處理這一矛盾時,是采取折衷主義辦法。

After much discussion the negotiators hammered out a compromise settlement . 經多次協商,談判者達成一項折衷的解決辦法。

Consensus did not emerge from a compromise between individual preferences . 意見一致并不是個人不同愛好的折衷產物。

Whatever happens you may be quite sure that i will not compromise you . 不管發生什么,請你相信我絕不會牽扯到你。

Finally los angeles bought long valley at a compromise price . 最后洛杉磯市只得以一種互相讓步的價格買下了長谷。

For the present, shrewd man that he was, he was prepared to compromise . 在目前,連他那樣精明的人也準備妥協的。

She turned red and then white in the most compromising fashion . 她的臉始而變紅,繼而轉白,一副妥協的樣子。

Again, we may make compromises and fall between two stools . 我們可能再一次采取妥協辦法,但結果是兩頭落空。

He compromised at last by stopping off at wilson's tent . 他最后采取了折衷方案,到威爾遜的帳篷里去彎一下。

I want to live for immortality, and i will accept no compromise . 我愿為探尋靈魂不死而生活,決不半心半意。

He has irretrievably compromised himself by accepting money from them . 他因收了他們的錢鑄成大錯害了自己。