
comprise vt.包含,包括;由…組成[合成]。 The house...


Cim is comprised of a specification and a schema Cim由一個規范和一個模式組成。

It is not a review article or a complete guide to all the recent literature. instead, it comprises a pedagogical package of select theoretical and observational scenaries . 它既不是評述文章,也未涉及全部近期文獻,而更象一篇教學參考材料,精選了一批理論和觀測結果。

Kodak company describe the use of a solvent-stabilizer system comprising a class of sterically hindered phenols acting both as coupler solvent and stabilizer . 柯達敘述了一類含有空間位阻酚類作為成色劑和穩定劑。

Formulations of fiber lubricants are in general multicomponent systems comprising at least one lubricant and one antistatic component . 纖維潤滑劑一般為多組分組成,其中至少包含一種潤滑劑和一種抗靜電劑成分。

The communication relation is defined as the channels through which messages are transmitted by people who comprise a social system . 傳播關系的定義是:構成一個社會系統的人們傳送信息的各種渠道。

The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis . 在中子星或黑洞伴星上發生吸積的模型,仍應看成是一個有價值的假說。

He had no leisure to bestow any other attention on the two ladies than what was comprised in three or four very broad stares . 除了向這兩位小姐投來幾瞥之外,他無暇向她們奉獻更多的關心。

He proposed that the present continents once comprised one large landmass which he named pangaea . 他提出目前的大陸以前是連在一起的一個巨大陸塊,他把這個陸塊稱為聯合古陸。

To cover the large area which this work comprises i have tried to select the most reliable sources . 為著使本書能包羅所涉及的這個大范圍,我曾經試著選擇最可靠的原始資料。

The aerometric and emissions reporting system is comprised of input forms, files, programs and reports . 大氣測量和排放量報表系統,包括輸入格式,文件、程序和報告書。

The truss comprises four plane trusses each two panels and each panel has one diagonal brace . 桁架由四個平面桁架組成,每兩個節間及每個節間均有對角撐。

The element comprises a support and at least three pairs of the first and second emulsion layers . 這種材料是由支持體和至少三對第一和第二乳劑層所組成。

This use of comprise is less common and careful speakers avoid being comprised of in sense 1 . This的這一用法并不多見,用詞考究的人避免用這一意思。

This hereditary unit comprises a single complementation group, or in other words a single gene . 這個遺傳單位由一個互補群,也就是一個基因所組成。

At today's level of development, it might comprise 10, 000 separate electronic elements . 就今天的發展水平來說,它可以包含一萬個分立電子元件。

Surface waters comprise stream waters (e. g. rivers), oceans, lake, and impoundment water . 地表水包括流動水(例如河流)、海洋、湖泊和水庫水。

Wounds of varying severity comprise the most common lip lesions seen in small animals . 各種不同程度的創傷形成小動物最常見的唇部病變。

Apple orchards comprised mainly of standard trees on semi-vigorous or vigorous rootstocks . 蘋果園主要由半喬化或喬化砧上的喬化樹組成。

Biologists are looking into the structure of the molecules that comprise our genes . 生物學家正在尋找構成我們基因的那些分子的結構。