
compression n.1.壓縮;壓緊;濃縮,緊縮。2.加壓;壓抑。3.(表...

compression joint

Study of wavelet - based jpeg2000 image compression algorithm 2000壓縮算法研究

Compression resistance of electrorheological fluid 電流變液抗壓效應的實驗研究

Allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受壓木構件容許長細比

Model 3094 tension compression force transducer universal 通用型拉力壓縮力傳感器

Compression of nerve roots cranial to l4 is uncommon 壓迫腰4神經根相對少見。

Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint 焊接接頭彎曲及壓扁試驗方法

Bp neural network for image data compression 圖象重建中的基本定理及其數值計算

Use the deflate compression - decompression algorithm 使用deflate壓縮/解壓縮算法。

Packaging transport packages compression test method 包裝運輸包裝件壓力試驗方法

Embedded system - based ip phone speech compression technique 電話高效語音壓縮技術

Fractal coding based on wavelet for image compression 基于小波變換的分形圖像編碼

Application of wavelet transform in image compression 小波變換在圖像壓縮中的應用

The compression process will take seveal hours 這個壓縮的過程可能需要幾個小時。

Number of columns in the prefix of the compression key 壓縮鍵的前綴中的列數。

Tight and firm compression connection to the fittings 與管件的擠壓連接緊密牢固

Method study of video compression based on adv601 chip 601實現視頻壓縮的方法研究

Compression utility can solve this terrible condition 壓縮軟體可解決這些困感事

A fractal image compression method with dct approximation 近似的分形圖像壓縮方法

Strain control triaxial compression apparatus 室內土工試驗應變控制式三軸壓縮儀