
compress vt.壓縮,濃縮;使(文章等)變簡練。vi.經受壓縮。n...


Standard for safety for manifolds for compressed gases 壓縮氣體用多支管的安全標準

Can you compress your speech into five minutes 你能把你的講話精簡為五分鐘嗎

Study on energy system of compressed air powered car 氣動汽車能量控制系統研究

Chinese herbal medicine compressed package for transport 中藥材壓縮打包運輸包裝件

Railway rolling stock . compressed - air rubber hoses 鐵路車輛.壓縮空氣橡膠軟管

Specification for compressed non - asbestos fibre jointing 壓縮的非石棉纖維墊片規范

The compressed archive must not necessarily be a ' 被壓縮的文件不能必然地是一'

Then the lump tea is the tea compressed together 那么磚茶是擠壓在一起的茶了?

Welding technology of compressed natural gas cylinder 壓縮天然氣氣瓶的焊接工藝

An algorithm of face detection in the dct compressed domain 壓縮域的人臉檢測算法

Refrigeration compressed air dryers for general use 一般用冷凍式壓縮空氣干燥器

Gauges , indicating pressure , for compressed gas service 壓縮氣體設備用氣壓表量規

They compressed two months ' work into one 他們把兩個月的工作縮減到一個月做了。

Captures the compressed stack from the current thread 從當前線程捕獲壓縮堆棧。

A letter may be compressed into a thin spiral roll, not differing much in shape or bulk from a large knitting-needle, and in this from it might be inserted into the rung of a chair, for example . 一封信可以縮成一個小紙卷,同一根粗的織絨線針的形狀大小差不多,可以把這樣的信塞到,譬如說,椅子的橫檔里。

If we put some gasoline vapor into the compressed air and then applied a lighted match or spark to the air-vapor mixture, the gasoline vapor would burn . 如果我們將少許汽油蒸氣送入壓縮空氣,然后給空氣--汽油蒸氣混合氣一個點燃的火種或火花,汽油蒸氣就會燃燒。

Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground, and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion, and help to keep it stable . 壓縮空氣的噴射氣流將氣墊船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性圍裙來維持氣墊并使氣墊船穩定。

The sand in the bags has the principal task of guaranteeing continuity of contact in the material without impeding the free diffusion of the compressed air . 袋中砂的主要目的是在保證材料的連續接觸而不妨礙壓縮空氣的自由擴散。

The initial gushing of oil out of a drill pipe is caused by the pressure of the gas trapped and compressed immediately above the oil deposits . 最初石油噴出鉆管,是由于受到緊壓在石油層上的被密封的氣體的壓力。