
comprehensive adj.1.廣泛的,全面的,完整的,包含多的,綜合的。2...


It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional 新聞必須保持全面和均衡。

Than the two of us establishing a . a comprehensive 我們兩國之間建立一個.全面的

Methodology of comprehensive biodiversity assessment 生物多樣性綜合評價方法研究

Analytical method for comprehensive agriculture projects 綜合性農業項目分析方法

Comprehensive forecasting method for estimating rock burst 巖爆綜合預測評價方法

Comprehensive comment on macro forecast of mine safety 煤礦安全宏觀預測方法綜述

A comprehensive evaluation of university girl students ' physique 綜合評價之研究

Study on development of comprehensive senior schools 對綜合高中興起與發展的探討

Comprehensive utilization of the filtrate of paper stuff 造紙制漿濾液的綜合利用

Please note that this list may not be comprehensive 請注意這名單可能未必完整。

An approach to the comprehensive agricultural productivity 農業綜合生產能力初探

System sciences and comprehensive studies in agriculture 農業系統科學與綜合研究

In each case the court adhered to the principle set forth in muller v. oregon, approving even a comprehensive california eight-hour law for women . 法院在處理每一案件時,都堅持馬勒與噢勒岡一案確定的原則,甚至批準加利福尼亞州一項內容廣泛的婦女八小時工作日法令。

Newton and other scientists used the law of gravitation, that marvel of simplicity and university, to build a comprehensive picture of the astronomical universe . 牛頓和其他科學家運用這個簡單和普遍適用的奇跡引力定律,建立了天體世界內容廣泛的畫面。

He made a comprehensive gesture, and edged himself into the conversation of another group, for fear of having all his prejudices overturned . 他做了一個領悟的姿勢,擠進了另外一伙人的談話中去,為的是怕他的一切成見都要給推翻了。

An administrative response to the energy crisis, the department of energy provides the framework for a comprehensive national energy plan . 能源部是政府為應付能源危機而設立的,是實施全面性國家能源計劃的機構。

She was a plain, elderly woman, dressed in a comprehensive waterproof mantle; she had a face with a good deal of rather violent point . 這是一個平常的老婦人,身子裹在斗篷式的雨衣里,相貌顯得相當威嚴。

Her first action on taking office was to withdraw compulsion on local authorities to submit plans to turn comprehensive school . 她上任后第一件事是撤消旨在迫使地方當局把現有學校改為綜合學校的計劃。

We need a comprehensive assessment of the recombinant dna issue, preferably under the auspices of the federal government . 對于重組體DNA問題,我們需要有一個全面的估價,而且最好由聯邦政府主辦。