
comprehension n.1.理解,理解力。2.包含,包括,含蓄;概括公理;【...


Promoting listening comprehension by way of dictation 芻議聽寫訓練促進聽力理解能力

Fuzzy comprehension decision method to facility layout 工廠布置的模糊綜合評價

On erroneous comprehension of the source text in translation 試談翻譯中理解的誤區

The subjective factors influencing listening comprehension 影響聽力理解的主觀因素

Discourse analysis and reading comprehension 淺談閱讀理解的層次和外語閱讀教學

A comprehension reading of the administrative permission law 行政許可法的原則解讀

Full comprehension of people - oriented education idea 應全面理解以人為本的教育理念

On the effect of the context on the text comprehension 論語境對外語篇章理解的作用

A comment on comprehension monitoring instruction abroad 背景知識對閱讀理解的影響

The english text pattern and reading comprehension 從微觀結構向宏觀結構的轉化

Situation models and researches on discourse comprehension 情境模型與語篇理解研究

That you have no comprehension of the authority of the church 你不了解教會的權威

Reading comprehension teaching and mental health education 閱讀教學與心理健康教育

This 65 - word - long sentence is beyond my comprehension 這句話65個單詞,我理解不了

That strange idea is quite beyond comprehension 那個怪誕的念頭完全令人不能理解。

On the training of listening comprehension in college english 論大學英語聽力訓練

The new comprehension of modern enterprises ' management 現代企業經營管理新理念

The comprehension of wang guo - wei ' s academic theories 關于王國維學術觀的幾點認識

Computational models for metaphor comprehension : a survey 隱喻理解的計算模型綜述