
comprehensible adj.能理解的。


But in the meantime , talk he must , and it must be his own talk , toned down , of course , so as to be comprehensible to them and so as not to shook them too much 對此他已下了決心。可現在他還得說話,說自己的話。當然,調子要降低,讓他們聽得懂,也不能叫他們太震驚。

Be good at taking short notes , using eyes , ears , heart at same time . when taking notes keep a mind on punctuation , simplicity oriented , it ' s alright if it ' s comprehensible 2要善于作簡要筆記,要眼、耳、心并用。動筆記錄時還應注意運用符號,以簡易為主,看懂就行。

In this paper , the introduction to regression and correlation is simplied by using standardized variables , therefore its model and meaning become intuitive and comprehensible 摘要用標準化變量方法,對線性回歸模型的描述進行了簡化,使其統計模型得直觀和容易理解。

An ird spokesman said the new design , which came into effect this month july , provided taxpayers with more information and made the tax demand notes more comprehensible 稅務局發言人說,新設計的評稅通知書給納稅人提供更詳盡的資料,亦令他們更容易明白其內容。

Knowledge discovery in databases ( kdd ) aims at analyzing massive mount of data and extracting meaningful and comprehensible patterns , called knowledge 數據庫知識發現( knowledgediscoveryindatabases , kdd )是從大量數據中發現潛在規律、提取有用知識的方法和技術。

For the subtitles , i would say that the quality of the english subtitle is not that good , there are some grammatical mistake , however , in general , it is still comprehensible 不過以上兩人都是因劇本關系失色,個人來說都是非戰之罪。但是謝賢一角卻是最大敗筆。

1descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to a comprehensible from the properties of an otherwise unwidely mass of data 譯文:描述統計學是一種工具,它被用來把大量難以控制的數據的性質通過描述,概括或簡化而成為能理解的形式

As development of science , people need the way of receiving information to be more visual , more comprehensible , and more interactive with fidelity 科學技術的發展,使得人們要求接收信息的方式更加直觀、更易理解、有更多的交互性和更高的逼真度。

Each module is independent , reusable , comprehensible and extensible . the technique and ideas in developing a cfd visualization system are described elaborately 本文應用結構化面向對象的思想,具體闡述了開發cfd可視化系統的技術和理念。

Decryption is the reverse of encryption ; it is the transformation of encrypted data back into a comprehensible form by the corresponding key 解密技術就是加密技術的相反,就是用戶使用相關的密碼匙,把已加密的資料變回原來可閱讀的格式。

She scrupulously [ 3 ] reworks translations of ancient texts to make them comprehensible , spotting mistranslations and misapprehensions galore [ 4 ] 她挑出古文翻譯中的大量錯譯和誤譯之處,并重新進行了一絲不茍的翻譯,使之易于理解。

Thus it is suggested to enrich the environment with sufficient comprehensible language input for english acquisition on micro - level and macro - level (二)提高全民的英語意識,充分利用影視、廣播、報刊等大眾媒體進行英語教育。

Dao is unspeakable , but dao is comprehensible . dao is in your nod because you were smiling when you nodded . dao is in your body language 道就是在不言之中,道就是在體悟之中,道就是在點頭之中,因為你會心一笑,那就是道了。

At the same time , krashen points out that if the learner receives enough comprehensible language input , he can get necessary grammar 同時krashen又指出,如果學習者接受到足夠的可理解的語言輸入,他就會獲得必要的語法。

Master not hereno understand me you said gerasim , trying to make his words more comprehensible by saying them in reverse order “主人不在別以為我的你們的”格拉西姆變個法兒說,盡力使自己的話更容易聽懂。

In terms of software localization , this means the production of interfaces that are meaningful and comprehensible to local users 對于軟件的本地化,這個過程意味著生成有意義的,用戶能夠理解的軟件界面。

Krashen and terrell ( 1983 : 131 ) suggest that “ reading may also be a source of comprehensible “ input in a second language “ Krashen和terrel ( 1983 )建議把閱讀作為第二語言習得中輸入的主要來源之一。

The laws of motion of any kind only become comprehensible to man when he examines units of this motion , arbitrarily selected 人類只有在審視隨意抽取的任一運動的細分單元時,方可逐步理解該運動的規律。

They have also given helpful tips on the style of writing , in order to make the articles easily comprehensible to the non - specialist 此外,大家亦對行文風格提出意見,好使文章更易為普羅市民所明白。