
comprehensibility n.能理解,易了解。


Presently , in the selection work , there exit some contradictions between the nation - regulated point system and the different degrees of comprehensibility of autonomous examining subjects , between the confidentiality demands for national simul - examinations and the security defaults in exam organizations , between the credit demands of national education exams and the increasing trend of fraudulent practice , and between the comprehensive examining demands of graduate selection and the examining for the intellectuals ' quality 摘要當前,研究生入學考試及選拔工作主要存在著國家統一劃定復試分數線與自命題科目難易程度不一、國家統一考試安全保密要求與考試組織存在安全隱患、國家教育考試誠信要求與考試舞弊行為呈上升趨勢和研究生選拔綜合考核要求與知識素質能力考核脫節等矛盾。

Furthermore , in order to assure that the acquired classification rules to be accuracy as well as comprehensible , we put forward a method to compute the comprehensibility of the classification rule using attribute information gain , different to the other methods which evaluate the comprehensibility of the rule only by its simplicity . thus the output of the mining is more understandable and informational . we also do it using a niche - based ga 在此基礎上,為了從現有數據中挖掘易于理解的分類規則,本文提出了一種應用屬性信息增益計算分類規則可理解性程度的方法,改進了以往方法中僅依靠規則的簡單度來評價分類規則易于理解性的缺點,從而使得到的分類規則包含有更多的分類信息,更加有助于用戶的理解。

Nowadays , the main problems of the assessment for mathematical teaching theory course are as follows : the aim of assessment is single , neglecting to pay attention to the progress and development of the students ; the center of assessment is lost , neglecting to focus on students ' teaching ability ; the content of assessment is narrow , neglecting the comprehensibility of the whole assessment ; the principal part and methods of assessment are single , neglecting the diversity of the assessment ; the theory and practice are inconsistent , overlooking the demonstrating feature of the assessment 目前教學論課程學業評價的主要問題是:評價目的單一,忽視對學生進步與發展的關注;評價重心偏失,忽視對學生教學能力的關注;評價內容狹窄,忽視評價的全面性與綜合性;評價主體和方式單一,忽視評價的多樣化;理論與行為不統一,忽視評價的示范性。

Network forensics is an important extension to present security infrastructure , and is becoming the research focus of forensic investigators and network security researchers . however many challenges still exist in conducting network forensics : the sheer amount of data generated by the network ; the comprehensibility of evidences extracted from collected data ; the efficiency of evidence analysis methods , etc . against above challenges , by taking the advantage of both the great learning capability and the comprehensibility of the analyzed results of decision tree technology and fuzzy logic , the researcher develops a fuzzy decision tree based network forensics system to aid an investigator in analyzing computer crime in network environments and automatically extract digital evidence . at the end of the paper , the experimental comparison results between our proposed method and other popular methods are presented . experimental results show that the system can classify most kinds of events ( 91 . 16 ? correct classification rate on average ) , provide analyzed and comprehensible information for a forensic expert and automate or semi - automate the process of forensic analysis 網絡取證是對現有網絡安全體系的必要擴展,已日益成為研究的重點.但目前在進行網絡取證時仍存在很多挑戰:如網絡產生的海量數據;從已收集數據中提取的證據的可理解性;證據分析方法的有效性等.針對上述問題,利用模糊決策樹技術強大的學習能力及其分析結果的易理解性,開發了一種基于模糊決策樹的網絡取證分析系統,以協助網絡取證人員在網絡環境下對計算機犯罪事件進行取證分析.給出了該方法的實驗結果以及與現有方法的對照分析結果.實驗結果表明,該系統可以對大多數網絡事件進行識別(平均正確分類率為91 . 16 ? ) ,能為網絡取證人員提供可理解的信息,協助取證人員進行快速高效的證據分析

Feature selection , as a preprocessing step to data mining , is effective in reducing dimensionality , removing irrelevant data , increasing learning accuracy , and improving result comprehensibility 屬性選擇作為數據挖掘過程中的一個重要步驟可以有效地降低特征維度,去除不相關屬性,提高模型準確率以及增加模型的可解釋程度。

Conclusion . the moroccan ersion of the rmdq has good comprehensibility internal consistency , reliability , and alidity for the ealuation of moroccan - speaking patients with lbp 結論:在評估伴有下腰痛的摩洛哥語系患者時, rmdq的摩洛哥版本有良好的可理解性、內部一致性、可靠性及實用性。

In particular , feature selection removes irrelevant features , increases efficiency of learning tasks , improves learning performance , and enhances comprehensibility of learned results 特征選擇能夠移除不相關特征,提高學習效率,改善學習性能,增強學習結果的可理解性。

With high comprehensibility , the article involves many theories . some new opinions are published in different scientific serials , and some are under consideration 文中涉及的理論較多,綜合性強,其中一些新的思路已在各類學術雜志上發表,有的尚在研究之中。

Comprehensibility of virtual power breaks the abstract opposition between tradition and historigraphy , between history and historical knowledge 德性力量的可理解性消解了傳統與歷史學、歷史與歷史知識之間的抽象對立。

Design for comprehensibility and maintainability rather than trying to squeeze out every last byte 設計應針對易理解性和可維護性,而不是榨出每個字節。

Graphical symbols - test methods for judged comprehensibility and for comprehension 圖形符號.用于判斷理解性和理解力的試驗方法

Graphical symbols - test methods for judged comprehensibility and for comprehension 圖形符號.判斷力和理解力的試驗方法

Nowadays , dreary old comprehensibility is still very much around 如今,令人生厭的容易理解的老派作品還是很多。

Firstly , whole sense comprehensibility characteristic 第一,整體感悟性。