
comprehend vt.1.了解,領悟。2.包含,包括。


It is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of his crime 弄清他罪惡的大小是困難的。

Chinese automatic comprehend and text reform 漢語的自動理解與漢語文本的改進

Comprehend , woman , this meeting is invisible 請明白,女人,這是一次機密的會議

Roy : who can really comprehend this unique world 誰能真正理解這個獨一無二的世界?

And then , of a sudden , i began to comprehend 這時我才突然意識到事情的不妙。

I saw his fallibilities : i comprehended them 我看到了他的錯誤,并有所理解。

Goodness , you must comprehend a great deal in the idea 上帝,你一定從中領會了很多

Evolutionary theory finds this easy to comprehend 這種現象很容易用進化論來解釋。

Difficult to comprehend or see ; illegible 難以理解的難以理解或看清的;難認的

. . . in the only baby language they seem to comprehend . . .他們能理解的嬰兒語是

How much misery is comprehended in that single word 這三個字包藏了多少災難!

Once expressed , however , it can be comprehended 而一旦被表達,它便能被理解。

Readily comprehended or understood ; intelligible 易懂的易于理解或明白的;易懂的

“ yes ; i do comprehend a great deal in it . “不錯,我認為應該包括很多條件。 ”

Re - comprehending the chinese traditional law culture 對中國傳統法律文化的再認識

She was a young lady of some genius, exquisite sympathies, and considerable literary attainments, living, like many other genius, with relatives who could not comprehend her . 她是一個有些才能的少女,多愁善感,還有相當好的文學修養,可也象其他許多天才一樣,生活在一些不能了解她的親屬中間。

The deutschland, which was to have harassed our lifeline across the northwest atlantic, interpreted her orders with comprehending caution . “德意志”號原來企圖侵擾我們橫渡西北大西洋的生命線,但是它對自己奉到的指令,作了透徹慎重的解釋。

It was some time before he could get into the regular track of gossip, or could be made to comprehend the strange events that had taken place during his torpor . 他過了好久才能參加日常的閑談,才明白在他睡著時所發生的奇奇怪怪的事情。

The rare happiness of comprehending every single word that is said, and knowing that every word one says in return will be understood as well ! 既懂得所說的每一個字眼,又知道回答的字眼同樣得到理解,這真是難得的樂事啊!