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compound statement 【計算機】復合語句。

compound word

For example , a compound statement might perform different operations or repeat an operation multiple times , depending on the value of an expression in personal terms , this might be the answer to a question like , “ will the weather be sunny and warm today ? “ 例如,根據表達式的值(對個人來說,可能是對“今天的天氣晴朗嗎”之類問題的答案) ,一個復合語句可能執行不同的操作或者對一個操作重復多次。

Accessing , adding items to , and deleting items from a dictionary are all simple operations , and dictionaries can be easily incorporated into compound statements like an 訪問、添加和刪除dictionary中的元素都很簡單,而且dictionary很容易用于復合語句,比如

The statement means either a simple statement terminated by a semicolon or a compound statement , which is a group of simple statements enclosed in braces “語句”要么是用分號結尾的一個簡單語句,要么是一個復合語句? ?封閉在括號內的一組簡單語句。

Statement and the terminating colon , then press return or enter on your keyboard , the python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement 語句和終止的冒號,并按鍵盤上的回車鍵時, python解釋器就知道您輸入了一個復合語句。

The nature of compound statements introduced the nature of proper indentation in python programs , which makes python programs easy to read and understand 復合語句的特性引入了python程序中的適當縮進特性,這使得python程序易于讀和理解。

Loop , which required discussing compound statements and the appropriate indentation of python statements to indicate blocks of related python code 循環,討論了復合語句以及適當縮進python語句來指示相關python代碼塊。

In this instance , the indentation isn t mandatory , as it is with a compound statement 在本例中,縮進不是強制性的,就跟一個復合語句一樣。

A compound statement consists of a flow control instruction , followed by a colon character 一個復合語句包括一個流控制指令,后跟一個冒號(

The block of statements is made up of one or more simple and compound statements 語句塊由一個或多個簡單語句和復合語句組成。

Can be a compound statement 可以是復合語句。

It should because flow control statements are compound statements 當然應該類似,因為流控制語句就是復合語句。

“ introduces the concept of compound statements in python , and the ”介紹了python中復合語句的概念,并介紹了