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compound eye 【動物;動物學】復眼。

compound flower

We used four different wavelength light including red light ( 750nm ) , yellow light ( 580nm ) , green light ( 560nm ) , blue light ( 400nm ) to stimulate four different groups compound eyes . then the ultrastructures of the compound eyes of each group were observed under electron microscope . the results showed the fine structure of the photoreceptor , the diameter of rhabdom , the dimension of perirhabdom vacuole , the number of pinocytotic vesicle below the microsvilli , the location of pigment granules , the emergence of lamellar bodies and lysosomes in cytoplasm , were different in different light adaptation 二、不同光照條件下復眼超微結構的變化三疣梭子蟹經過12h暗適應后,在不同波長的紅光( 750nm ) ,黃光( 580nm ) ,綠光( 560nm ) ,藍光( 400nm )照射下,其光感受器的小網膜細胞和感桿束的形態和超微結構呈現較大的區別,感桿束的形態、細胞內的胞器隨不同波長光的適應而發生變化,在紅光下感桿束直徑最大,微絨毛排列整齊,在藍光下感桿束直徑最小,微絨毛最凌亂。

The results under scanning electron microscope were that the compound eye of miers is semi - globular . the surface area of the compound eyes is about 25 . 12mm2 . the ommatidia that form the compound eye are hexagon . on the back of the compound eye there is a thumb - shaped area where have no ommatidia 掃描電鏡觀察顯示三疣梭子蟹的復眼外形為半球形,復眼表面積約為25 . 12mm ~ 2 ,背面有一拇指狀的無眼區,組成復眼的小眼為長六邊形;刀額新對蝦的復眼外形為球形,背面無拇指狀的無眼區,組成復眼的小眼為四邊形。

We observed the surface structure and inner structure of the compound eyes . and we also studied the change process of the ultrastructure of the compound eyes in different light adaptation . comparative studies on the structure differences of photoreceptor between portunus tritubereulatus and metapenaeusensis were also done 運用電子顯微鏡技術觀察了三疣梭子蟹( portunustritubereulatus )的光感受器的超微結構,對三疣梭子蟹復眼的外部形態、大小、內部超微結構,以及在不同光適應條件下的變化過程進行了研究;并且與刀額新對蝦( metapenaeusensis )光感受器的超微結構進行了比較。

By using the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems and the method of detection functions , this paper gives a configuration of limit cycles forming compound eyes . with the help of numerical analysis ( using maple ) , it is shown that there exist parameter groups such that a polynomial vector field of degree 7 has at least 49 limit cycles with z8 - symmetry 然后,利用平面動力系統的分支理論以及判定函數法,考慮z _ 8 -等變的擾動hamilton向量場,在計算機數學軟件( maple )的幫助下,我們得到結論: 8次平面向量場至少有49個極限環,形成具有z _ 8 -對稱性的極限環分布。

Aiming at some problems about fly vision applying to imaging guidance , such as , algorithm and realization of motion - detectors array , image mosaic technique of imitating compound eyes , target detection of compound eyes , realization of compound eyes in missile , and so on , the main contents of this paper are as follows : 1 本文針對蠅視覺在成像制導應用中需要解決的問題,如蠅復眼運動檢測器陣列的算法及實現、圖像的仿復眼鑲嵌整合、蠅復眼目標檢測機理、蠅仿生復眼的結構及在導彈上的配置等,集中研究了以下幾方面內容: 1

Image mosaic technique of imitating compound eyes this paper puts forward a registration method based on space coordinate . aiming at multiple frames static scenes , a new image mosaic method imitating compound eyes is presented based on wavelet multi - scale analysis . a new ruler of image mosaic is founded 圖像的仿復眼鑲嵌整合技術推導了基于空間坐標投影的圖像配準算法,針對多幅靜態圖像提出了仿復眼的基于小波多分辨分析的圖像鑲嵌整合算法,建立了一種新的圖像整合規則;針對具有運動目標的序列圖像,提出了基于特征的仿復眼圖像鑲嵌整合算法。

In the fourth part , by using the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems and the method of detection functions , the paper gives a configuration of limit cycles forming compound eyes . with the help of numerical analysis ( usi ng maple ) , it is shown that there exist parameter groups such that a z7 - equivariant planar polynomial vector field of degree 7 has at least 36 limit cycles with z7 - symmetry 然后,對于一組特定的參數值,研究了它的相軌線的變化趨勢;第四部分指出:在一定的條件下,利用平面動力系統分支理論以及判定函數法,在計算機數學軟件( maple )的幫助下,得到結論: 7次z _ 7 -等變平面向量場至少有36個極限環,形成具有z _ 7 ?對稱性的極限環分布。

An ommatidium is composed of cornea , two corneagenous cells , four cone cells , eight retinular cells , rhabdom , distal pigment cells , distal and proximal reflecting pigment cells , in blue , red and in full bright light conditions , compound eyes exhibit obvious characters the disarrangement of microvilli in the rhabdom , the increased number of lamellar bodies , distal and proximal pigment granules covering the crystalline cone and rhabdom to prevent hard light damaging the ommatidia 現將我們的研究結果報道如下:日本沼蝦復眼屬于反射型重疊像眼,每一小眼由角膜,成角膜細胞( 2個) ,晶錐細胞( 4個) ,小網膜細胞( 8個)及其形成的感桿束和遠端色素細胞、遠端反光色素細胞、近端反光色素細胞組成。小眼角膜長方形,小眼密度為512個mm ~ 2 。

There is no thumb - shaped area on the back of the compound eye . the results under transmission electron microscope show that the fine structure of the compound eye in portunus tritubereulatus is different from that in metapenaeus ensis . the former has eleven retinular cells which composed the compound eye 兩部分的小網膜細胞在結構上基本相同,都含有線粒體、多囊體、內質網、色素顆粒等,但是上部的小網膜細胞沒有扳膜體,而且胞質比較致密,膜下儲泡囊的空腔較小,里面有膜狀結構。

In this paper , the ultrastructures of compound eyes in blue and red light conditions were firstly studied with the transmission electron microscope in macrobrachium nipponense . the changes of ultrastructural features of rhabdom and cells around were well observed , and were compared thoroughly with the features in full bright light and dark conditions . the functions and significances of related cells structures were discussed during the breakdown and rebuilding of the photoreceptor membrane 本文利用透射電鏡技術,首次對紅、藍光照條件下日本沼蝦復眼結構,重點是小眼感桿束及其周圍細胞超微結構變化作了詳盡的觀察和研究,并與全光照和全暗條件下的結構特征進行全面比較,探討相關細胞結構在光感受膜的降解和重新合成過程中的作用和意義。

In this research , the changes of the structure of the oviduct during spawning and the developments of the compound eyes in the embryonic and larval stages in m nipponense were studied with the methods of histological technology and transmission election microscopy 輸卵管是日本沼蝦雌性生殖系統的一個重要組成部分。國內外學者對甲殼動物輸卵管的研究報道很少,而關于甲殼動物輸卵管超微結構的研究及其在產卵過程中的動態變化過程尚未見報道。

Studies show it is faster than the others , and it is proved to be effective . 5 . applying fly vision system to imaging guidance a new physical model of imaging seeker is proposed , this seeker imitates fly ' s compound eyes , can realize 360 ? searching range 5 ,蠅視覺系統在成像制導中的綜合應用提出了一種仿復眼,具有全方位視場的紅外成像導引頭物理模型,該導引頭中文摘要模擬了整只復眼對環境和目標的成像,可以實現36了搜索視場。

Part iii comparative studies on the morphology and ultrastructure of compound eyes in two kinds of crustacean . the morphology and fine structure of compound eyes in two species ( portunus tritubereulatus , metapenaeus ensis ) were studied by electron microscope 三、幾種不同分類地位甲殼動物復眼超微結構的比較用電子顯微鏡觀察了三疣梭子蟹( portunustritubereulatus )和刀額新對蝦( metapenaeusensis )的光感受器。

The influence of light adaptation on the ultrastructure of the photoreceptor in penaeus monodon fabriciu the form and the fine structure of compound eyes in penaeus monodon fabriciuwere studied by e lectron microscopy 另外,在無脊椎動物的光轉導過程中,經研究發現,鈣離子可能起著重要的作用, lisman和brown已經提出鈣離子是光適應時的胞內信使。

Motion - detector of fly ' s compound eyes and determination of velocity of moving image . this paper describes the algorithm of elementary motion - detector and motion - detector arrays , including the characteristic and space conformity 蠅復眼運動檢測器及圖像運動速度估計研究了初級運動檢測器和運動檢測器陣列的算法、特征及空間整合。

Aiming at multiple frames video sequences with moving objects , a new image mosaic method imitating compound eyes is presented based on image ' s characteristic . now . some mosaic algorithms are local optimizing 兩種方法克服了現存的圖像拼合算法只能得到局部最優解的缺點,對圖像樣本的要求大大降低,而且可以得到全優解。

The degree of ultrastructural changes of rhabdom during light and dark adaptation of compound eye had something to do with the intensity and wavelength of environmental light in m . nipponense 線粒體為光感受膜的合成和降解過程提供能量。日本沼蝦復眼感桿束明、暗適應時結構變化程度與外界光強度和光波長度有關。

The result show the ommatida that form the compound eye in penaeus monodon fabriciu were composed of cornea , four cone cells , eight retinular cells and some pigment cells 結果發現:組成復眼的小眼表形為長方形,從遠端到近端分別由角膜、二個角膜生成細胞、四個晶錐及八個小網膜細胞構成。

Part ii ultra - structure changes of the compound eyes of miers in different light adaptation . after 12 hours dark adaptation , photoreceptors of miers were stimulated with different wavelength light 雖然光感受器處于一個穩定的適應狀態,但是在一晝夜中光感受器有著自己的節律變化。