
compote n.1.水果糖漿〔如糖水櫻桃等〕;〔美國〕(飯后的)一碟...


Cinnamon is used to flavor various foods , including cakes , cookies , apple pie , donuts , buns , puddings , pancakes , compotes , yogurt , and candies 肉桂被使用在調味各式各樣的食物,包括蛋糕、餅乾、蘋果派、甜甜圈、小圓面包、布丁、薄煎餅、蜜餞、酸奶,和糖果。

The fruit here is free ( self - help ) , and you can find compotes in the box , the average consume is 8 yuan one person in the box 3我們這邊水果是免費的(自助的) ,包廂內有果盤,包廂內人均消費八元。

The fruit here is free ( self - help ) , and you can find compotes in the box , the average consume is 8 yuan of the box 3我們這邊水果是免費的(自助的) ,包廂內有果盤,包廂內人均消費八元。

The cook combined whipped cream , sugar , and vanilla to make a topping for the compote 廚師把摜奶油、糖和香草精混合起來做成果盤的澆汁。

Mixed fruit compote 什錦燴水果

Cheese fondue accompanied by a compote of broccoli and prunes 起司干酪綜合一些煮熟的椰菜和西梅干

Serve with apple compote or vanilla sauce 可以和蘋果泥或是拌以香草汁食用。